
Current Interests

One can use TQFTs and defects as a mathematical tool when studying non-topological theories like 2d CFT. In particular, chiral CFT can be described by the modular functor part of a 3d TQFT, i.e. its mapping class group representations. Defects and boundary conditions provide a construction of correlators (at least for rational CFTs). Another surprising appearance of such mapping class group actions is in the context of 3d quantum gravity, where mapping class group averages provide candidate gravity partition functions (see my Thesis and arXiv:2309.14000 ).

Motivated by expectations in quantum gravity, I am interested (for Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFTs) in questions of: 

For a given ribbon category, one can associate skein algebras  to surfaces and skein modules on 3-manifolds. In fact, these data can be collected into a 3d (once-categorified) TQFT. Even though skein modules have existed and been studied for a long time (particularly sl(2)-skein modules), there have been exciting recent developments and results like the proof of Witten's finiteness conjecture for skein modules on closed 3-manifolds for q generic. 

