Optica Chapter Special: The Wonderful World of Optics

Share your knowledge with the world! We will have a session where you are invited to present a short video or poster explaining the most important or fascinating optical phenomenon you can think of.

You can make it fun, interactive, thrilling or even funny in a comic format! Your imagination is the limit to make it as engaging as possible. This will be oriented to the general public and shared on our website and YouTube, and we will have a prize for the best contribution. Outreach activities generate much-needed excitement and interest in optics, while developing valuable communication skills. Enter the competition and let your science reach the public!

Please let us know if you or your chapter are interested by sending an email to ions.ireland2021@gmail.com with the subject ‘Wonderful World of Optics’ and we will get back to you with all the details!

Here is an example of a poster from the IOSA Student Chapter at CSIC-Madrid, Spain, which won the OSA poster competition in 2017.