Love's Shadow is an 1867 painting by Pre-Raphaelite artist Frederick Sandys. It was modeled by actress Mary Emma Jones, Sandys' common-law wife. The figure is richly adorned and biting the blooms from some blue violets, which are a symbol of love and devotion in Victorian floriography.[1]

I am so excited to be kicking off a few weeks of Made with Love inspiration! If you haven't taken a good look at this collection, you're missing out! It's full of great patterns and colors and the cutest little baking related icons! It's perfect for Valentine's Day and beyond! I had so many ideas streaming through my head... I finally decided to create some fun shadowbox cards. Take a peek...

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I need a love that is troubled by injustice. A love that is provoked to anger when Black folks, including our children, lie dead in the streets. A love that has no tolerance for hate, no excuses for racist decisions, no contentment in the status quo. But I have learned that when I expect this kind of love for my Black female body, it means inviting hopelessness to my doorstep.

This is the cool place from where I demand a love that matters. In this place, I see the sun setting behind me, its light as far away as the stars, and I let the limitations of hope settle over me. I possess not the strength of hope but its weakness, its fragility, its ability to die. Because I must demand anyway. It is my birthright. It is the culmination of everything my ancestors endured, of all that my parents taught me, of the Blackness that rescued me. How dare I consider surrender simply because I want the warmth of the sun? This warmth has not been promised to me. My faith does not require it.

It tells the love-hate story of the adopted daughter of a general and the prince of Xi Rong. Li Shuang, the adopted daughter of a general, guards the frontier of Da Jin. One day, they came across the prince of Xi Rong, Ao Deng, who had disguised himself into a child of Zhong Gu, and named him Jin An. By day the prince played the role of the young Jin An, but by night he became the man in the black mask, helping Li Shuang to force back the Xi Rong army. Then on a cold winter's night in a snowy mountaintop one kiss changed everything, and through trials and hardships both would learn that in order to be together they must give up everything they hold dear. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Yu Jin Chang An" () by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang (). Edit Translation

I love the Shadow and Bone series and the Six of Crows Duology and will basically read anything Leigh Bardugo writes. Last week, I reread the Shadow and Bone series, and I plan on rereading the Six of Crows duology this month. Six of Crows actually inspired three posts on my blog last year:

When evening fell the boy would bring the girl a glass of tea, a slice of lemon cake, an apple blossom floating in a blue cup. He would kiss her neck and whisper new names in her ear: beauty, beloved, cherished, my heart.

Regardless, six months into our relationship I was sitting in my parked car listening to a country song (not my genre of choice) when it swept through me like a hot wind. My eyes filled with tears of disbelief. Wow. So I guess this is happening now. I was in love.

I loved, have always loved, my husband. Realizing that I had chased him away was devastating. By the time I tried fix it, it was too late. A naturally introverted person, the emotional risks of engaging with me just seemed too high. I became lonely. He became resentful, though he was not ready to see he felt that way.

Have you ever noticed how the shadow of a tree has some fuzzy shadows and some sharp ones? Normally, the fuzzy ones are from the highest leaves. Their large penumbra measuring the size of our distant sun. The sharp ones are from leaves lower down, their umbra still intact.

In order to heal yourself and your relationships you have to become comfortable with your shadow side. This is your dark side, the part of yourself that you are unaware of, ashamed of or embarrassed about. It is fear, judgment, perfectionism, control, resentment, regret, guilt, anger and greed. Each of these is part of you and me. The reason we recognize these traits in others is because we have them in us, we are projecting it onto others. Instead of denying our shadow side, we can become grateful for it because it allows us to heal and grow. When we are ready to truly improve ourselves we recognize that the person or situation upsetting us is actually mirroring what we need to heal within ourselves.

Remember to be loving and compassionate with yourself as you take a personal inventory. With honesty you will be able to recognize your patterns. I find it always very helpful to consult the Akashic Records about any hidden shadows. As I gain clarity about my hidden patterns and receive advice on how to release them I find a new level of love and joy. Everybody has a shadow side. No one is immune to it. It is how we survived any difficulties during our childhood and upbringing. Releasing our subconscious patterns and pains takes us to a new level of consciousness.

I had the following example with a client this week. The client complained about her husband and his lack of being a good financial provider. The way she talked about him showed that she was in great distress about him. It also brought to awareness that she unknowingly put him down a lot. Her Akashic Records showed her how her mother had belittled her over and over again when she was a little child. By now she had learned to be kind to herself and to treat herself with respect and caring. However, there was still some of that energy lingering within her, even so she was not aware of it. The pattern of belittlement had turned around, and in order to protect herself from this detrimental energy, my client had become the one who put others down. She was looking in others for things she could criticize to deflect the painful experiences that is still present inside of her. Once she recognized this pattern she immediately started to see her husband from a different perspective. As she started to understand how her own negative pattern has contributed to the situation, she let go of her anger and started to feel love and compassion again.

You embrace your humanity with determination and acceptance knowing that when your shadow consciousness arises this is a positive sign that shows healing is occurring in your life.

Enjoy your self discovery and most of all love yourself in the process of it. 

Now I've played for a large proportion of the last five days, with the main storyline completed, and a worrying number of the collectibles and side quests ticked off, I feel far more prepared to give a more definitive statement on Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor: I love it.

On the flip side, shadow traits such as arrogance can be accepted and integrated into our lives. Through a different lens and self-development, arrogance could be tempered into confidence.Confidence is nothing to be ashamed of.This will all help you reach true self-love.

What does that mean?

It sounds to me that he is saying that love, when pursued, excludes power; and that power, when pursued, excludes love. Put another way, pure love contains no attempt to hold power over the other person; and that if you are attempting to hold power over another person, there is no room for love.

Where can I apply this in my life?

To me, this expression is about getting your priorities straight. You can love people, or you can love power, but it is difficult (if not impossible) to do both. So the application of this quote is figuring out where love should be, and where power should be, and keeping them separate.

To me, using guilt is just another form of abuse of power in a loving relationship. Pouting, throwing a tantrum, whining, saying that your friends have one (or get to do something), they are all forms of manipulation, and none of them increase the feeling of love, right?

Hopefully you can keep this in mind when you are with someone you claim to love. And hopefully you will treat them like you love them, and not try to manipulate them. Grab some paper and write down the names of five of your family and close friends. Then list next to each one the method(s) you think you use to manipulate them.

Instead, try to use emotion and logic to convince them to do what you want. Try to stay away from the negative emotions, or the withholding of the positive emotions. There are plenty of ways to influence people, without having to place the loving feelings in jeopardy. And in the end, the love is what really matters, right?

Don't get me wrong, I love Elden Ring, and I'd happily learn more about its dragons, about Nokron, about the dancing witches of the Dominula Windmill Village, but I'm pretty content with how their collective deep and sophisticated lore is hinted at as is. The myriad YouTubers who dissect the history of the Lands Between always make for compelling viewing anyway, and I regularly lose myself in the networks of unhinged thoughts and theories that populate Reddit and various other community spaces. Miquella's story, however, is the only one that I feel needs a closer look, in the same Artorias' did all those years ago.

I found a geometric pattern on by searching for shadow weave. After weaving a couple of samples, I settled on a treadling that gave me the scale of geometric design I wanted. I used color changes and subtle thicker lines of weft between some of the color areas to break up the design and avoid an allover grid.

The trope name refers to owyn's unrequited love for Aragorn from the The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, from the line "It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. I cannot give you what you seek."

Accordingly, compare and contrast with All Love Is Unrequited. Compare The Dulcinea Effect. Not to be confused with Fighting a Shadow. Contrast Redundant Romance Attempt, acting out of character to impress a love interest who'd rather you Be Yourself. 589ccfa754

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