Yep, mailgun wont send mails unless you upgrade or have the recipient in your contacts. There are a growing number of threads on this topic, please vote here : Are you happy with Mailgun? Poll and thread about emailing in ghost - #3 by rpuls

have you set up your mail in config.production.json properly?

The Mailgun settings in ghost admin - labs - mailgun are only used for sending newsletters and not transactional mails like signins/signups/subscribtions.

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The aim of this project is to gain insight into the possible consequences of digital technologies for the quality and organisation of platform work. With these new insights, we hope to better understand the job conditions of platform workers across Europe and contribute to the quality of work and development of sustainable employability in the digital society

Sofie Schuller obtained MScs in Psychology and in Work, Health and Career from Maastricht University. After first joining the ghostwork project as a research assistant, she will continue contributing to the ongoing research as a PhD candidate. With expertise in well-being and stress research, as well as occupational health, she is invested in unraveling the mechanisms involved in the well-being of workers working outside the well-established field of standard employment. In her work, she wants to contribute to building a healthy and sustainable future for the working society through informing policy with empirical insight.

Irene van Oorschot joins the Ghost Work project as a senior lecturer at Erasmus University College (ESSB). Irene van Oorschot is an assistant professor whose work focuses on everyday practices of truth- and meaning-making. Her work spans pragmatic sociology, environmental sociology, science and technology studies, and the sociology of climate change.

Yuri S. Scharp joins the Ghost Work project from the Human Resource Management department of Tilburg University, where he is an assistant professor specializing in short- and long-term fluctuations in the well-being of workers. His research interests include playful work design, the impact of new technologies, and how to promote behavioral change.

I would get the search working on my Blog. Recently switch from Wordpress to Ghost. I followed this Guide on GitHub, also tried an HountedTheme in my Blog but get no search results. What is wrong and can anyone help me?

ZOMORODI: This work, this micro-job that Ayesha did, is what Mary describes as ghost work. For the past decade, she's been researching how millions of people like Ayesha make our interactions with companies like Uber, Amazon, Google and Microsoft appear seamless.

GRAY: In many ways, it's the people behind the screen who are doing content moderation, data labeling and a host of other activities that, for the most part, we have no idea are integral to making the internet work.

ZOMORODI: So me - in this scenario, I trust that the app is not going to send a, you know, axe murderer to come pick me up. Why? Why doesn't the app want us to know that there are these humans doing really important work to keep us safe? Why do they keep it under wraps?

GRAY: Well, the hard part is that in most cases, the assumption is, as the consumer, you don't want to be bothered. But there isn't a way to have this kind of what seems frictionless, smooth experience as a consumer without having also a process that verifies who's behind the wheel. There is no computational system that can identify a person with 100% accuracy every single time. And so Ayesha becomes necessary just for a moment. But we're sold the magic that Ayesha doesn't exist at all, that it's just the algorithms doing the work.

ZOMORODI: To be clear, it's not as though everything on these apps - like when you call a car or you get food delivered or whatever the case might be - it's not all invisible humans working behind the scenes.

GRAY: So the dirty little secret of the past 10, 15 years is that there is no way to automatically update information and verify its accuracy. So we've always had people involved in a moment of looking at information and saying, yes, that's the accurate spelling of a book; yes, that is information that is still living on a website. It's not just a dead link. There's some of that work that can be automated, but there's quite a bit that cannot. And so it's a moving target for computer science and engineering to figure out what can you automate.

ZOMORODI: I wonder - you know, it feels like smoke and mirrors a lot of the time. And I guess it feels like ghost work and not telling us that there are humans doing a lot of the things that we take for granted when we use our phone and computers - like, it feels like deception.

ZOMORODI: It's the TED Radio Hour from NPR. I'm Manoush Zomorodi, and on the show today, going incognito. And we were just talking to anthropologist Mary Gray about the mostly invisible workforce that keeps many of our apps and services running.

GRAY: It's the people behind the screen who are doing content moderation, data labeling and a host of other activities that, for the most part, we have no idea are integral to making the internet work.

GRAY: 2016 - there was a research study that was done by McKinsey, and they estimated that in the U.S. and Europe alone, there are around 25 million people who have done some form of this on-demand gig work online. At that rate of growth, if you combined the current trend in contract staffing, temp agency services, that's, like, 60% - six zero - 60% of today's global employment could likely be converted into some form of this kind of on-demand gig work by 2055.

GRAY: Yeah, the intense pressure and low pay is fairly common. And that's because this is - I would argue today, it's unregulated work. I mean, this is contract labor that is constantly changing. It's like a steady stream of what's next that you need to vet or classify or sort. And at the same time, it's cognitively draining. I think the irony here - let's take the example of content moderation. When we started this work, I think most people imagined that that was work that would go away once we automated identifying content that should be removed.

ZOMORODI: OK. But we have to say there is a plus side to some of this work, too, right? I mean, it fits in with people's lives. In some cases, they may not be able to work at all if they don't take these tasks.

GRAY: Yeah, it's appealing. And I think it's important to see, why is it appealing? It's a response to what's not working in employment today. We met people who were doing this work because they had no choice. There were no other good job options. They were trying to control their schedules that often had to do with family care. So for many people, it's about controlling their time. The other thing they're trying to control is what they work on. You know, they wanted to be able to pursue interests.

So, for example, Natalie was someone we met - African American woman who was living with her parents in Queens. She was in her late 20s, early 30s. So for her - for Natalie, this was a chance to be able to do work that could generate an income and also balance her interest in music and choreography. So she wanted to balance her - what she was working on that - in a way that would give her room to do what she really wanted to do, which was her art.

ZOMORODI: The theme of our show is incognito, and I was trying to think - I'm like, so who is incognito? Who is in disguise? Is it the ghost workers themselves, that they are disguised by the technology? Or is it the companies who are saying, here's where we are. We're amazing. Look at what we can do, and it's so fast and it barely costs you anything. Use Uber. It's only $5 for you to drive, you know, all the way to Midtown, in my case. Who is doing the disguising? Who is incognito in your mind?

GRAY: This is where it is really important to say the workers are not incognito. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they aren't carrying out really valuable work. And importantly, they see each other every day online. They connect with each other. I would say right now, it's the tech companies that are incognito, that have - whether with intention or not - put off recognizing - seeing the value of the people who are critical to their contributions, to their services to consumers. To a lesser extent, in some ways, consumers are just asleep at the wheel. And now that we are learning to pay attention to how many people have a role in us having an experience online or being able to have an app whisk us away or bring us food - now that we know that involves even more people than we realized before, are we ready and willing to pay our fair share?

ZOMORODI: So if you're saying that these jobs aren't going anywhere, that they're absolutely needed by these companies, why don't they build this workforce into something that is reliable and high quality?

GRAY: Most of the labor laws that we reference as the things that create security, that create safety on the job, they come from the 1930s, literally. Like, we have no good laws in place that have recognized the current relationship we have to technology and how it mediates all of our work lives. We haven't even begun to think about what that means globally and for a globally connected workforce that works around the clock through the internet.

After seeing this article about "ghost jobs", I was wondering if there are ways to identify a job posting that might be for a position the company has no intention of filling. Besides a posting being more than a few months old, are there red flags?

The problem with trying to spot these types of job listings is that they are often actual job listings, having either already been filled or with some intention of attracting and hiring the right candidate but in the future. The obvious answer of "don't apply to low quality job listings" is universally true, not just for avoiding ghost jobs.

I ask, as I used Ghost Organization to finish a Sightseer job (hopped into a generic NPC car, and drove slow like an NPC would, thinking I was hidden among the other NPCs), but got pin-pointed and starfed by a guy in a Lazer who said that "Ghost org doesn't work when you're a VIP"). 589ccfa754

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