Research Interest: I am interested in number theory and algebraic geometry. I mostly work in arithmetic algebraic geometry. 

Some more specific themes in my research have been the integral models of Shimura varieties.

 Publications and pre-prints: 

Abstract: We consider Shimura varieties associated to a unitary group of signature (n-1,1). For these varieties, we construct p-adic integral models over odd primes p which ramify in the imaginary quadratic field with level subgroup at p given by the stabilizer of a vertex lattice in the hermitian space. Our models are given by a variation of the construction of the splitting models of Pappas-Rapoport and they have a simple moduli theoretic description. By an explicit calculation, we show that these splitting models are normal, flat, Cohen-Macaulay and with reduced special fiber. In fact, they have relatively simple singularities: we show that a single blow-up along a smooth codimension one subvariety of the special fiber produces a semi-stable model. This also implies the existence of semi-stable models of the corresponding Shimura varieties.

2. Semi-stable and splitting models for unitary Shimura varieties over ramified places. I, (with Z. Zhao),  2023, arXiv:2309.16463.  

Abstract: We consider Shimura varieties associated to a unitary group of signature (n-s,s) where n is even. For these varieties, we construct smooth p-adic integral models for s=1 and regular p-adic integral models for s=2 and s=3 over odd primes p which ramify in the imaginary quadratic field with level subgroup at p given by the stabilizer of a π-modular lattice in the hermitian space. Our construction,  which has an explicit moduli-theoretic description, is given by an explicit resolution of a corresponding local model.

3. Semi-stable models for some unitary Shimura varieties over ramified primes, preprint (2022), arXiv:2210.14043, to appear in Algebra Number Theory.

Abstract: We consider Shimura varieties associated to a unitary group of signature (n-2,2). We give regular p-adic integral models for these varieties over odd primes p which ramify in the imaginary quadratic field with level subgroup at p given by the stabilizer of a selfdual lattice in the hermitian space. Our construction is given by an explicit resolution of a corresponding local model.

4. Regular integral models for Shimura varieties of orthogonal type, (with G. Pappas), Compos. Math. 158(4) (2022), 831-867.

Abstract: We consider Shimura varieties for orthogonal or spin groups acting on hermitian symmetric domains of type IV. We give regular p-adic integral models for these varieties over odd primes p at which the level subgroup is the connected stabilizer of a vertex lattice in the orthogonal space. Our construction is obtained by combining results of Kisin and the first author with an explicit presentation and resolution of a corresponding local model.

5. On orthogonal local models of Hodge type, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2023, Issue 13, (2023), 10799–10836.

Abstract: We study local models that describe the singularities of Shimura varieties of non-PEL type for orthogonal groups at primes where the level subgroup is given by the stabilizer of a single lattice. In particular, we use the Pappas-Zhu construction and we give explicit equations that describe an open subset around the ``worst" point of  orthogonal local models given by a single lattice. These equations display the affine chart of the local model as a hypersurface in a determinantal scheme. Using this we prove that the special fiber of the local model is reduced and Cohen-Macaulay. 

Ph.D Thesis: "On Orthogonal Local Models of Shimura Varieties". The results of my thesis have been superseded by those in the papers (3) & (4). If you would still like to see it, click here