Acknowledgements and Links

My research has been very much aided by the following people, internet sites and books.

Natasha Jenkins, great, great niece of Robert Jenkins who supplied all the documents the family had received after he went missing.

Alain Gauthier, secretary in 2023 of  Vallée de la Cisse and expert in interpreting map and geographical data.

Nathalie Gauthier, who lived in Germany and speaks fluent German, did the translation from German to French of the German documents.

Richard Turner, curator of the Boxted Airfield Museum  who supplied documents and insights into how the USAAF functioned.

Patrick Frigerio, WW2 aviation historian and expert on Joseph Leo Egan Jr., 63rd squadron commander killed 4 days after Robert Jenkins. 

Susan Fletcher, my mother, for her inspiration and competance in decyphering handwritten records.

Manuela Boureau, my wife, for her tolerance and for correcting the grammar on the French side of the website.


English/American Links

A comprehensive archive of the history of the 56th Fighter Group can be found here: 56thfighter 

The 56th Fighter Group website also has a guest-book which is how I got into contact with Natasha Jenkins: Guestbook 

USAAF archives in Duxford, UK: 

USAAF chronology 1944 

Aviation archaeology 

Site for researching individuals (not just graves) 

Military geneology site Fold3 

Military geneology site Traces of War 

Geneology site Familysearch 

Tool for converting wartime map coordinates into Latitude and Longitude: 

Encounter (combat) reports 

P47 diagrams Zenoswarbirdvideos 

 Aircraft flight manuals Avialogs 

 Aircraft flight manuals  aviation archives blogspot 

French links

Site giving information about the WW2 air crashes in France: 

Site listing air-crew memorials in France: Aérostèles 

Site with more details on US casualties in France: 

Republic P47 Thunderbolt database (France) :  P47 data

The Lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) report: SOLiDAR 

Forum Le monde en guerre 39-45 

Site from where I purchased the analysis by Marc Doucet and David R. McLaren: Vallée de la (reviews 13 & 14)

Information on the creation and mofification of the aerodrome at Le Breuil  Anciens-Aérodromes 

German Links

The German national archives: 

Glossary of  German military abreviations 

Forum discussing German aspects  Axis history 

German airfields in France 

I didn't use this site for my research, but if you're searching for an aeroplane that fell in Holland then this site may help: Dutch aircrashes 


Beware the Thunderbolt, David R. McLaren, ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0887406602, 1994

Blois des bombes et des ruines 1940-1944, Christian Couppé, 1990

1939-1945 La guerre en Loir et Cher, Service départemental des anciens combattants & victimes de guerre.

Histoire d'un village, Molineuf, Dr Jean MORNET, 1968.

La résistance en Loir et Cher, Lucien JARDEL and Raymond CASAS, 1964.

Thunderbolt!, Johnson, Robert S. and Martin Caidin, 1958, ISBN 10 : 034501961X

Mighty Eighth War Diary, Jane's Information Group, Freeman, Roger A - 1981