Our Project


Invaders and Invasions. Heritage and future opportunities

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This Project is based on problems that have recently arisen with the arrival of immigrants to different European countries , among them the members of the association with whom we want to set up this Project. Three countries of this new association were involved in a former association in which we worked on the peaceful resolution of conflicts through the analysis of the world wars and conflicts that have specifically taken place in our countries , and how it is possible to avoid or resolve them in a peaceful way.

What do we want to reach

  • The knowledge of European history through the study of the different invasions undergone or led by the members of this association

  • Analysis of the problems and the conflicts which have been generated by cultural, economic or racial diversity.

  • To learn about physical heritage and the legacy inherited from these movements of the European populations.

  • To know the cultural diversity of Europe and the possibilities among its populations

  • To value the physical and cultural heritage built through more than 20 centuries of co-existent history

  • To promote the skills of visual arts among students by building models of the most significant monuments inherited after the invasions

  • To increase creativity among students based on the study, performance and recreation of tales and legends connected with European invasions through theatre.

  • To know and appreciate the linguistic richness inherited from cultural diversity; words and expressions that come from invading countries.

  • To know and learn other European languages and appreciate their similarities and differences. The languages involved in this study are English, French and Spanish, which are taught as second languages in the countries involved in this association.

  • To promote harmony and solidarity among the countries, appreciating how the movements of population were and continue to be a wealth of richness and culture