Taeseon Lee's Research Group at INU


Professor Glenn S. Daehn (Ohio State University) - Ph.D. Advisor

Dr Anupam Vivek (Ohio State University)

Professor Michael P. Miles (Brigham Young University)

Professor Brad L. Kinsey (The University of New Hampshire)

Professor Ali Nassiri (Ohio State University)

Professor Jinwoo Hwang (Ohio State University)

Dr Varun Gupta (ExxonMobil)

Curtis Prothe (Nobelclad)

Younil Jung (Hyundai Motor Company)

Professor Myoung-gyu Lee (Seoul National University)

Professor Byunghyun Yoon (Chungnam National University)

Junyoung Jung (Hyundai Motor Company)

Dr Mok-young Lee (POSCO)

Dr Jason Cheon (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)

Professor Ashish Rajak (Indian Institute of Technology)