
Weekly Reflections

Each week students are expected to read/watch supplementary material and write an individual reflection on the assigned content (see schedule). These reflections are due every Monday at 10pm ET, starting on week 2. The purpose of this assignment is to expose students to foundational knowledge and perspectives from experts in the HCI field. There are a total of 6 weekly reflections, 5 of which will be graded (i.e., 1 will be dropped).


  • Limit: 1 page total for the assigned material in a given week, single-spaced, 12 pt. font.

  • Title of the readings/videos and your name

  • Address all the below points in individual (i.e., 3) subsections:

    1. Key points: What key points did you learn from the assigned readings/video?

    2. Introspective View: In your every day life or projects/research, where do you see insights from this material come into play?

    3. Question/Thought: What are two primary questions or thoughts that you have on the topics covered?

Note: It is required that the reflection discuss/touch on all the assigned content for a given week (i.e., not a reflection on just some of the assigned content).

Individual Assignments

There will be 2 - 3 assignments in this course.