Ecological Impact of Environmental Problems

In this lesson we will learn more about fossil fuels: how they were formed and how they are used to provide heat, energy, and transportation. And finally, we looked at the impact of burning fossil fuels on the greenhouse effect and to our ecosystem.

Environment Meaning

Environment refers to the surroundings we live in. It is a combination of physical and biological components. The environment determines the climate and weather that are extremely important to all the biological forms. Any changes in the environment can alter the natural cycles and climatic conditions. The more the life forms to create their habitat, the more resourceful the environment is.

Ecology Meaning

The term “ecology” was coined by Ernst Haeckel. It is the study of relationship between living organisms and environment. Its main components include individuals, species, population, community, and ecosystem. These components are determined on the basis of composition and distribution of resources such as sunlight, heat, water, nutrients, etc.


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