Topics of lectures [tentative, subject to changes!]
Topics of lectures [tentative, subject to changes!]
Please refer to the page for the academic year of interest for more detailed information.
Please refer to the page for the academic year of interest for more detailed information.
- Overview of basic ideas underlying Computer and Network security, CyberSecurity, and their relationships
- Basic principles, passwords, assurance levels, contextual authentication
- Single-Sign-On, SAML, OpenID connect, SPID
Access Control
Access Control
- Basic principles, classic models: Matrix model, Access Control Lists, Capabilities, Discretionary/Mandatory/Role-Based Access Control
- Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) and XACML
- Basic notions, Symmetric key encryption, hints to key management
- Public key Encryption, RSA, Diffie-Hellmann, Key exchange protocol
- Digital signatures, Certificates, Public Key Infrastructure
- SSL/TLS, introduction to automated security analysis of TLS, some flaws of TLS
Web security
Web security
- Browser model, cookies, client vulnerabilities (e.g., cross-site scripting, injection, fishing), server vulnerabilities (e.g., injection, scripting, users)
Mobile security
Mobile security
- Mobile devices, possible attackers, mobile threats, Android
Cloud security
Cloud security
- Cloud computing, storage services, security issues