Get Started with Citizen Science

Make your pledge to participate in citizen science here!

All of these projects can be done with a computer or tablet & connection to the internet!

Make 10 Classifications on SquirrelMapper

SquirrelMapper: This citizen science project helps scientists track squirrel populations. Individuals across the globe submit pictures of squirrels to iNaturalist, then the SquirrelMapper scientists pull these images and upload them to the project. In order to participate, you will need a free Zooniverse account. Then, open the SquirrelMapper project, complete the brief tutorial, and start classifying squirrels. You will be asked how many squirrels are in the image, what color they are (black, gray, other), if they are alive or dead, and what type of surface they are on (road vs. other surface).

Label 1 mile on Project Sidewalk

Project Sidewalk: Accessibility is a major issue throughout the world. There are many public spaces which are not accessible to individuals who use mobility aids, such as wheelchairs. This citizen science project aims to map different city streets and identify accessibility issues. When you sign up, select your city, then the website will take you through a hands-on tutorial to practice identifying and labeling things, such as curb ramps and sidewalk problems. Once you get the hang of it, it’s really fun to explore a new place and make a difference in the world.

Make 10 Classifications on Wildwatch Burrowing Owl

Wildwatch Burrowing Owl: This project is local to San Diego County! The burrowing owl is going locally extinct. The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance has set up cameras throughout the burrowing areas to monitor the burrowing owl population. To participate, create a Zooniverse account and go through the project tutorial. At first, it takes a bit of practice to identify adult versus young owls, but the San Diego Zoo has created an excellent aging guide. I have fallen in love with the burrowing owls; the chicks are so cute!

Which project will you contribute to next?

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