Into Your ArmsGeneral informationArtistsWitt Lowry (feat. Ava Max)Recorded2018ReleasedJune 8, 2018GenrePop, balladLength3:06Writer(s)Ava Max, Cirkut, John Mitchell, Witt LowryProducer(s)CirkutSingles ChronologyClap Your HandsInto Your ArmsSweet but PsychoMusic Video"Into Your Arms" is a song by American Rapper Witt Lowry and features American singer Ava Max. The song was released as a single on June 8, 2018.[1]

The lyrics of 'Into Your Arms' introduce a narrative of inner turmoil and introspection, as the protagonist grapples with the weight of past mistakes and the fear of losing their partner. The song sets the stage for an emotional exploration of love, trust, and self-discovery amidst the backdrop of a strained relationship.

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Delving into the emotional journey portrayed in the song, Witt Lowry conveys a sense of vulnerability and remorse through his introspective lyrics. The themes of self-doubt, longing, and the struggle for emotional connection resonate deeply, evoking a raw and heartfelt expression of the protagonist's inner turmoil.

Through 'Into Your Arms,' Witt Lowry aims to communicate the complexities of relationships and the challenges of trust and vulnerability. The lyrics reflect a sense of yearning for understanding and acceptance, underscoring the impact of past experiences on the protagonist's emotional state. The song invites listeners to reflect on their own struggles with intimacy and emotional connection, fostering a sense of empathy and introspection.

In conclusion, 'Into Your Arms' offers a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the intricacies of human connection. Witt Lowry's introspective lyrics and Ava Max's emotive vocals combine to create a compelling narrative that speaks to the universal experience of seeking solace and understanding in the arms of another.

The music video, directed by Bobby Hanaford, was released on June 21, 2018.[2] It takes place at the site of a fatal car accident caused by Lowry's character in which he drove into a tree, killing Max who was sitting in the front passenger seat. However she is seen singing outside of the car, standing in the middle of street when Lowry wake up, presumably as a ghost or hallucination. He then joins her and they sing the song while paramedics are running back and forth from the car trying to rescue Max. The video ends with her being taken away in an ambulance and Lowry being confronted by the police.

It was an early-fall morning as I began my hike up into the high country of southwest Montana. Three miles in, I spotted a sow grizzly and two cubs. She saw me as well and ran west with her cubs, out of sight over a ridge. I waited about 30 seconds before deciding I could safely continue eastward, in the opposite direction.

A few steps later, a noise over my left shoulder caught my attention. Turning, I saw the sow breaking over the ridge at about 40 yards, heading directly toward me. It was nothing like the slow, rambling gait of the overweight, trained bears in the movies. This was the real deal. She was in a full charge with ears laid back and coming fast and low to the ground.

Instinctively, I pulled the bear spray from my chest holster, slipped out the safety clip, and yelled out so the bear knew I was human and would hopefully stop or turn back. No such luck. She was blazing through the waist-high grass with a speed I had never imagined. Within just a couple seconds, she was nearly on me. I smashed the trigger down hard on the bear spray and gave her a full blast in the face at about 30 feet. Her speed and momentum carried her through the orange cloud of pepper mist and onto me.

I turned away and threw myself to the ground, shoving my face in the dirt. I wrapped my arms around the back of my neck and locked my hands for protection. The bear was immediately on top of me, biting my arms, shoulders, and back. I could hear the crushing and tearing of the muscle as her long canine teeth buried deep into my right arm with each bite. After only a few seconds, but what seemed an eternity, she disappeared, coughing as a result of the bear spray.

Stunned, I carefully picked myself up from the ground. I was lucky to be alive and to survive a grizzly-bear attack! The injuries were severe but not life-threatening, and isolated mostly to my arms, shoulder, and upper back. Quite assured the bear was gone, I headed back down toward the trailhead and my truck three miles below. I kept a steady pace, only slowing for a quick look at my injuries. My backpack had taken the brunt of the attack, but I had still sustained numerous deep puncture wounds on my right arm and shoulder. The wounds were bleeding through two layers of clothing, but the flow appeared to be slowing. I knew I could hike the distance to the truck, and thanked God for getting me through this alive. I really wanted to keep moving and put distance between the bear and me before stopping to address any wounds that needed attention.

The bear suddenly stopped her attack and just stood on top of me. I will never forgot that brief moment of dead silence with just the sound of her breathing and sniffing. I could feel and hear her breath on the back of my neck, just inches away from my spine. I even tried to hold my breath, afraid she would attack again if I moved or made a noise. Her three-inch claws sunk into my lower back just below my backpack, where she stood, pinning me to the ground. The terrible, pungent odor she emitted almost made me gag. For 30 seconds, she stood there motionless but crushing me. My chest was smashed into the ground and my face pressed into the rocky dirt of the trail.

I feared I would never survive a third attack. I needed to protect my life. My bear spray had gone flying during the fray, so my pistol was the only defense. Staying in position on the ground, I slowly moved my right arm from behind my head and reached under my chest for the pistol. Nothing! It was gone. It had been ripped from my body during the attack, and now I was defenseless.

Blood was still dripping from my head wound and off both elbows, and my shirt was blood-soaked to the waist and into my pants. But a quick assessment assured me the bleeding was not life-threatening and that I could survive the 45-minute hike to the truck.

I continued down the trail, wanting to distance myself from the bear. I kept my left arm pulled in tight against my body to minimize movement and prevent further injury to the shredded muscle, severed tendons, and crushed nerves and bone. I held my pistol tucked between my arm and chest, for easy access if need be. The bear spray was in my right hand with the safety clip out.

Forty-five minutes later, I safely reached the trailhead and my vehicle. It was only 8am, and I was concerned for the safety of bow hunters that may show up for the weekend and head into the same area. I attempted to write a warning note and post it on the bulletin board at the trailhead. Unfortunately, my injured arm was useless, and the note would be illegible given all the blood dripping from my other hand.

Having reached my vehicle and with the bleeding slowed, I now felt completely safe and relieved. I decided to take a few seconds to record the moment to share with my hunting buddies. I snapped a couple quick photos and a video of my wounds, laid some jackets over the truck seat to capture some of the blood, and headed for town and the hospital, about a half-hour away. I stopped a rancher alongside the road and asked him to make a call to the hospital, informing them that I was in route.

Two tendons had been severed in my left forearm, requiring surgery to repair the shredded muscle and re-attach the tendons. Numerous nerves had been damaged as well. I expected many months of physical therapy to get full use of my left arm and hand again. The five-inch gash along the side of my head would leave a nasty scar as well.

Most cancers that affect bones are ones that have started in another part of the body and have spread to the bone. This is called secondary bone cancer. The most common types of cancer that spread to the bone are breast, prostate and lung cancer.

Cancers that spread to the bones damage the bones as they grow. The cancer cells that have spread into the bones also release proteins that interfere with the normal bone shaping process. These proteins are cytokines and growth factors.

Bisphosphonates are drugs that target areas of higher bone turnover. The osteoclast cells, which break down old bone, absorb the bisphosphonate drug. Their activity is slowed down. This reduces bone breakdown.

Cancer cells seem to be attracted to an environment where bones are being broken down. Researchers hope that stopping this process could slow cancer growth and help people live longer, as well as reduce bone damage.

You can have sodium clodronate as tablets or capsules. You have ibandronic acid as a drip into your bloodstream (infusion) or as tablets. And you have zoledronic acid and disodium pamidronate as a drip into your bloodstream.

Most of the research so far has looked at using bisphosphonates in secondary breast cancer, secondary prostate cancer and myeloma. The type of bisphosphonate your doctor prescribes for you will depend on the type of cancer you have. You will have one that works for your type of cancer.

You might have bisphosphonate treatment if you have advanced cancer and hormone treatment is no longer controlling your cancer. This aims to prevent or reduce problems with your bones. You are likely to have zoledronic acid.

The information on this page is based on literature searches and specialist checking. We used many references and there are too many to list here. Please contact with details of the particular issue you are interested in if you need additional references for this information.

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