While the cover art perhaps suggests a straight forward, low-budget, shoot-em up, Rescue Under Fire is a much more serious and polished affair. While there is a fair dose of ballistic action as the stranded crew and soldiers engage in fire-fights with the marauding Taliban, the film is much more about the unique and dangerous situation the trapped protagonists find themselves in and the tension that arises. The filmmakers go to great and believable lengths to re-stage the tragic event giving time for the situation and the characters to develop before the inevitable military styled shoot-outs erupt. Coupled with realistic dialogue and reactions to the mounting circumstances (save for a couple of clichd characters here and there) and a merciful lack of shaky cam and faux documentary style filming (that can often plague these type of military films), Rescue Under Fire is refreshingly old school in its approach to suspense action film-making.

The crew of a medical helicopter suffers an accident when helping a joint force of USA and United Nations troops under Spanish command in Afghanistan. The Spanish army has only one night to organize the rescue of the crew and the injured, but what seems routine turns into hell once they receive the order to rescue the helicopter as well. Things only get worse when during the night a huge concentration of Talibans begin to surround them.

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The crew of a medical helicopter suffers an accident when helping a joint force of USA and United Nations troops under Spanish command division in Afghanistan. The Spanish army has only one night to organize the rescue of the crew and injured, but what seems routine turns into hell once they receive the order to rescue the helicopter as well. Things only get worse when during the night a huge a concentration of Talibans begin surround them.

The images used on this website have been provided by journalists and are believed to be free of rights. However, if you are the owner of an image used on this website and believe that its use infringes on your copyright, please contact us immediately. We will remove the image in question as soon as possible. We have made reasonable efforts to ensure that all images used on this website are used legally and in accordance with copyright laws.

Operators of Part 139 airports must provide aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) services during air carrier operations that require a Part 139 certificate. The guidance and resources below address ARFF training, ARFF vehicles, and other aviation fire and rescue requirements. More on Part 139 >>

The Department of Defense (DoD) has posted its notice for availability of documents regarding the proposed draft military specification (MILSPEC) for fluorine-free firefighting foam on www.sam.gov (Notice N0002422SN0169). This document is separately undergoing a technical stakeholder review, as prescribed by normal DoD MILSPEC coordination policies.

The release of this draft document is a significant step in the process for meeting the deadline of publishing a new fluorine-free firefighting foam MILSPEC by January 31, 2023, as required by the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. The FAA has been working with the DoD for several years doing testing and research to find an alternative firefighting agent to the current aqueous film-forming foams. The FAA intends to adopt this specification for civil airports once it is published.

Notice of the document's availability is posted on www.sam.gov. The SAM.gov post will not contain a link to the MILSPEC draft; rather interested parties will be able to request a copy of the draft document by sending an email to the Navy office, as described on SAM.gov.

Mira que tiene una foto guay y que estas movidas blicas me molan, ehe? pero esque los actores (salvo alguna excepcin) son taaaaaaan malos. Tambin hay cosicas de direccin que uff, y el sonido es regulero regulero.

pera prima de Adolfo Martnez, un muy notable film blico basado en hechos reales, durante la guerra de Afganistn contra los talibanes, cuando en 2012 un helicptero mdico del ejrcito espaol queda atrapado en territorio insurjente junto a varios legionarios durante una misin de rescate. La necesidad de recuperar el helicptero obliga a alargar el tiempo antes de ser evacuados, bajo fuego enemigo.

Spanischer Film halt. Viel mehr kann man dazu nicht sagen. Kommt lang nicht an "Black Hawk Down" ran, mit dem dieser Film in der Beschreibung verglichen wurde. Rescue Under Fire muss man also definitiv nicht gesehen haben. Ist jetzt kein guter aber auch kein grotten schlechter Film. Falls man absolut nichts zu tun hat und man schon alles gegen Langeweile versucht hat, kann man den Film gucken und wird sich sicherlich etwas unterhalten fhlen.

Ahora entiendo porque la tenia aparcada.

Lo siento pero me cuesta tragar una aventura blica, aunque este basada en hechos reales , a la espaola. Seguramente no puedo quitarme el filtro para ser objetivo de todo el material que he visto americano sobre cintas blicas y que nos bombardea a diario, mea culpa, as y todo , no canta mucho, es de agradecer que el desierto de Almera sirva mas que para un western , pero las interpretaciones son muy cuestionables,que uno tiene mucha mili hecha. Eso si nosotros somos unos "profezionales".

The movie was unexpectedly so good, and led me to several new insights in geopolitics and international relations, that I felt compelled to write this review. This review is, therefore, going to be less about the technicalities of movie-making, and more about insights from events depicted in the movie, particularly the scenes that I felt were especially powerful.

But the Somalis only wore shabby civilian clothing, without even proper shoes.** Poverty was obvious upon them. They were well armed, but that was all they had. They fought with desperation and defiance. But, lacking training, they were gunned down easily.

And I wept at the tragedy, even though the rescue mission was successful. I think the movie intended that. For as the unit returned to base, we see its assigned Somali interpreter in the APC^, solitary in his grief. He had failed to persuade the Somali commander to surrender, and the deaths of his countrymen seemed to haunt him alone.

Once there, they met up with the Pakistani forces, and the Americans. The Malaysians were asked to surrender their APCs to the Americans, for a mission to rescue American soldiers trapped in enemy territory after their Black Hawks went down in the Bakara market of Mogadishu.

The troops rebelled. The APC units vowed not to release their vehicles without being in them themselves. The tank units refused to let the APCs go without their protection. All around was the injured pride and anger, at the perceived insult of not being considered good enough to command their own machines.

But the chain of command prevailed, though not without compromise. The tanks went back, but the Malaysian APCs would deploy with their own drivers and gunners. They would be defended with the Pakistani tanks.

The Americans briefed the Malaysian and Pakistani commanders on the route that the combined units must take to the two crash sites. There would be a command helicopter flying overhead, providing air support. They were to evacuate all the surviving soldiers, and recover the bodies of the fallen. And get out.

But our units decided to go on. They had agreed to undertake the mission, and so they will. Blocked at every turn by the defending militants, one unit was forced off the route, and became lost. To make matters worse, their communications equipment got damaged as well.

If he let the soldiers in, they must run too, for he would be exposed as a collaborator, and marked for death. But he did. Within, the soldiers found time to rest, and the American medic tended to the wounded Malaysians.

*** Malaysia participated in the UNOSOM II peacekeeping mission, during which the events of the movie took place. The history of the situation in Somalia that led to the UN decision to deploy UNOSOM is complex. I like this somewhat lighthearted narration (lighthearted might help with the heavy subject), suitable for Malay speakers. UNOSOM II was a peacekeeping mission fraught with controversy, distrusted by the local population, and also trust issues between the country contingents.

Of course, you might say that one reason is the fact that modern Malaysia isn't involved in wars. But then again, the Malaysian armed forces have been engaged in combating insurgency in modern times. And Malaysia has volunteered several times to serve under the banner of the United Nations, as peacekeepers. The rescue mission depicted in the movie occurred during one such peacekeeping mission.

No, it's not that there isn't enough material to make into compelling military movies. My view is that the reason is really Malaysia's culture, which considers discretion concerning such deployments as part of professional foreign policy.

But times change, and Gen Y is a lot more willing to spill the tea. Upon learning of the true untold story behind the Mogadishu rescue mission, millennial film director Adrian Teh was like \"why do we not know about this?\" So he did something about it.

The movie drops you into action from the very first scene. It's 1993, and a unit of Malaysian soldiers were facing down Somali militants on a mission to rescue media hostages. They moved through the building where the hostages were held. Resisted by militants, they responded with fatal, military efficiency.

I don't know if the director deliberately did so, nor whether other audience members were as struck by it. But those opening scenes brought to sharp relief the difference in what the two sides had. The professional Malaysian soldiers were fully uniformed with complete infantry protective gear, well armed, equipped with communications, supported with a field medic, and clearly well-trained to deliver the mission as a unit. 152ee80cbc

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