Message from OC Chairman

Sr TANG Ki Cheung

Organising Committee Chairman

On behalf of the Organisation Committee, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the supports of over 360 audience, 12 Speakers, 23 Sponsors, 17 Supporting Organisations, 5 Co-organisers and the Conference Secretariat to make the Conference a reality.

The Conference is hosted by the QS Division of the HKIS and co-organised by CIC, AIQS, RISM and SISV. This is also deemed to be an HKIS QSD Annual Conference.

The following is extracted from my message as the OC Chairman of the International QS BIM Conference 2013 Hong Kong:

  • Wishes [Use BIM: BIM can do a lot for us, but if we just always watch and do not start using it, we would not gain the benefits. | Push and pull BIM applications: The present off-the-shelf BIM applications cannot yet serve everybody’s need. The applications’ development can only move faster and provide more suitable functions if there are more users using them and making strong market demand. | Start from small: BIM is being used by affordable clients on big projects by big contractors, at least in Hong Kong. Coming with BIM are issues like standardization, coding, collaboration, integration, responsibilities, liabilities, tendering and contractual arrangements, etc. which may appear to be intimidating to those yet hesitating to use BIM. The benefits of BIM can in fact be gained on small projects also. The knowledge can be accumulated and issues resolved as one moves to bigger and bigger projects. | Fund BIM: BIM applications off-the-shelf or self- developed are by no means cheap. This poses a high threshold to entry into the BIM world. The Government should consider Singapore’s example of providing government funding to help step over the threshold.]
  • Imagination [Perhaps, like the virtual reality movies, we may not use mouse any more but use our hand directly to shape and move the virtual building blocks each loaded with information to build the virtual model on a computer or in a physical space.]

After 5 years, the awareness of BIM is very high, and the use of BIM has increased but BIM is still not yet our daily routine tool. The Wishes expressed above are still very pertinent and the Imagination will not be realised too soon.

The topics covered by the Conference are wide ranging. The Speakers will offer much insights and foresights to the audience. However, listening to good songs over a thousand times would not make you a good singer. Watching kung fu movies over a thousand times would not make you a good kung fu fighter. Practise BIM to gain the real benefits!