The Interwave Analyzer is an open-software designed to investigate the occurrence of basin-scale internal waves in stratified lakes, providing a set of tools to estimate some physical indices to analyze the probability of internal waves activity and lake mixing. The program provides classification of lake mixing, internal waves patterns, and degeneration of basin-scale internal wave based on well established theories of internal waves. The Interwave Analyzer provides an powerful, easily accessible, and an universal analysis of internal waves from instrumented buoy and meteorological data stations.


There are two ways to use the Interwave Analyzer:  

1. To Install the executable version 

A. Download the Interwave Analyzer folder available here;

B. Run the GUIexecuter.exe, which is inside of the interwaveanalyzer folder;

C. A black window is quickly displayed, followed by the GUI. The GUI may take some seconds to be launched (< 30 seconds).

2. To run in the python distribution

A. Go to  Anaconda website ( ) and choose the Python 3.x graphical installer (download the python for the right operating system);

B. After the installation, open the Anaconda Prompt (as administrator) and install the following packages:

C. Download the interwave Analyzer codes from source-code repository  (;

D. Put everything in the same folder and run in Spyder (Iphython console) the code;

E. After some seconds (depending on the computer it can takes more than 1 minute), the GUI should launch;

F. For a first test, we recommend to test our exemple (available here) and read the User manual to a complete comprehension of the options available in the Interwave Analyzer.

OBS: If you do not use the Anaconda distribution, make sure that the following packages are installed in the your python distribution:  Numpy 1.16.3, Datetime 4.0.1, Reportlab 3.5.19, Scipy 1.2.1, Nitime 0.7, Matplotlib 3.1.0, and tk (tkinter) 8.6.8, or compatibles versions.    

HOW TO CITE                          

DE CARVALHO BUENO, Rafael; BLENINGER, Tobias Bernward; LORKE, Andreas. Internal wave analyzer for thermally stratified basins, Environmental Modelling & Software, Elsevier, 2020. 

For Latex Users:


  title={Internal wave analyzer for thermally stratified lakes},

  author={{de Carvalho Bueno}, Rafael and Bleninger, Tobias Bernward and Lorke, Andreas},

  journal={Environmental Modelling \& Software},



