Important dates

Deadline for submissions: October 30th  2023 (Time zone: AoE)

November 6th 2023 (Time zone: AoE)

Paper acceptance notification: November 20th 2023 (AoE)

Camera-ready paper: November 27th (AoE)

Workshop date: December 4th 

The Inter.HAI workshop is concerned with how to create successful interdisciplinary collaborations and integrate the different research approaches, including those social aspects of HAI. As such, this workshop aims to spark discussion on achieving this interdisciplinarity through reflections on the successes and failures of collaboration and opportunities to find common ground.

To this end, technical details during the talks will take second place in favor of fostering mutual understanding and conveying the benefits of different methodological and epistemological approaches to HAI. This approach will provide space for a forum to emerge on potential interdisciplinary collaborations.

We welcome all topics related to human-agent interaction from a broad disciplinary spectrum, including contributions from sociology, psychology, gerontology, computer science, engineering, design, and philosophy. While the written contribution must be evaluated based on its soundness, relevance, and originality, we encourage the authors to create a compelling presentation that can be easy to follow by all audiences within the HAI community. 

We will encourage the participation of young researchers, especially students. The workshop aims to be a safe environment to practice presentation skills and promote the integration of methods and insights from other fields. Moreover, we especially welcome work-in-progress contributions that may benefit from further collaboration with other participants in the workshop. 

Submission Guidelines

We invite participants to submit a 2-page extended abstract (excluding references) on a range of topics relevant to interdisciplinary work and HAI in general. Submissions may present work-in-progress research, position papers, and summaries of already published research from all areas of HAI. Since our aim is to discuss and learn from one another, this allows topics that you think should be discussed in a interdisciplinary group. 

All papers must be in the ACM SIGCHI format, the same as the main track at the HAI conference

LaTeX template / Word Template

Submit your paper here:

Abstracts will not be anonymous but will be anonymously reviewed by at least two organizers, ensuring no conflict of interest. Authors of accepted papers will present at the workshop, either online or face-to-face. We will post the camera-ready versions of all accepted extended abstracts on the website as archival workshop proceedings.

List of Topics

Topics of interest for the short papers/abstracts include, but are not limited to:

By HAI, this can include, but not limited to HCI, HMI and HRI.