Group members

Group members

Dr. Emília  Annese


XPS studies of metal oxides

 M.Sc. Pablo Oliveira 

(Doctor thesis)

Electronic properties and surface composition  of sulfides

M.Sc. Igor Coelho 

(Doctor thesis) 

XPS and AFM studies of iron oxides 

Guilherme de Lima Felix 

(Master thesis) 

Ultra-high vacuum  instrumentation

Georgeana Arruda Limeira

(Undergraduate studies)

XPS studies of metal oxides

Ana Carolina

(Undergraduate studies)

AFM studies


Dr.Jade Barreto  (Pos. doc fellow)  XPS studies of metal oxides

Dr. Ludiane Lima (Pos. doc fellow)  UHV-Raman Spectroscopy

Dr.  Rubem Caetano  (Pos.doc fellow) STM studies of metal oxides

Dr. Camila Mouta  (Pos. doc fellow) FTIR and Contact Angle

M.Sc. Jesana Moura (Doctor  thesis)  Understanding surface wettability in EOR processes: Study with Zeta potencial, XPS and FTIR

Roberto Freitas Rodrigues  (ungraduate studies - IC) Raman Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy 

Gabriel Alves (Master thesis) STM studies of metal oxides

Caio Grossi (Master thesis) Understanding surface wettability in EOR processes: Study with Contact Angle and Zeta Potential

M.Sc. Bianca Almeida (Guest  researcher) Study of the different interaction forces present in the reverse flotation of quartz by surface techniques

M.Sc. Astrid Pereyra (Doctor thesis) XPS/AFM studies of metal oxides

Igor Guida (undergraduate studies - IC) Atomic force microscopy study of the physicochemical adsorption of starch on the surface of hematite monocrystals 

Stephanie Tavares (undergraduate studies - IC)

Mário Lucas (Undergraduate studies) UHV-Raman Spectroscopy

Aline Gonçalves Chaves Mazzarella (undergraduate studies - IC) Raman Spectroscopy

Júlia Hespanhol (Undergraduate studies) Contact Angle and AFM

Israel Fidelis (undergraduate studies - IC) Ultra-high vacuum STM for metal oxide thin films investigations

Dr. Marta Duarte (post.doc fellow) Chemical and Morphological characterization of gold nanoparticles on ZnO for photocatalytic processes

M.Sc. Christian Stiehler (Oct-Dec/2014) Chemical and Morphological characterization of gold nanoparticles on ZnO for photocatalytic processes

M.Sc. Lucas Caldas  UHV-Raman Spectroscopy

Dr. Lizbet León  (Pos.doc fellow)

M.Sc. André Persechino  UHV-Raman Spectroscopy