A Mother for Choco de Keiko Kasza (Japó)

Family is about love no matter how different parents and children may be, adopted or not.

Choco wishes he had a mother, but who could she be? He sets off to find her, asking all kinds of animals, but he doesn't meet anyone who looks just like him. He doesn't even think of asking Mrs. Bear if she's his mother-but then she starts to do just the things a mommy might do. And when she brings him home, he meets her other children-a piglet, a hippo, and an alligator-and learns that families can come in all shapes and sizes and still fit together.

Sirena Ba 'Yan? de Candy Gourlay (Filipines)

When Benji and Bel find a strange creature on a tropical beach they know it's a Dugong. But the Dugong insists she is a beautiful mermaid and to prove it, she shows them a mermaid song. ​

The children aren't convinced but they play with their new friend all the same. When it's time for her to go back to sea, there is one surprise left - could she be a mermaid after all?

A different pong de Bao Phi (Vietnam)

As a young boy, Bao Phi awoke early, hours before his father's long workday began, to fish on the shores of a small pond in Minneapolis. Unlike many other anglers, Bao and his father fished for food, not recreation. Between hope-filled casts, Bao's father told him about a different pond in their homeland of Vietnam.

The Elven Ambassador de Pierella Dawn (Tailàndia)

From Atlantis to Altenwald, and back to where it all began in Mondreside, The Elven Ambassador is the stunning conclusion to the magical bestselling trilogy.

Seven Blind Mice de Ed Young (Xina)

"It's a pillar," says one. "It's a fan," says another. One by one, the seven blind mice investigate the strange Something by the pond. And one by one, they come back with a different theory. It's only when the seventh mouse goes out-and explores the whole Something-that the mice see the whole truth. Based on a classic Indian tale, Ed Young's beautifully rendered version is a treasure to enjoy again and again.

구름빵 de Baek Hee Na (Corea del Sur)

Una càlida història d'amor familiar barrejada amb una imaginació capritxosa es troba amb un món de pintura únic. La il·lustració de semi-cos acuradament elaborada i la pintura de llum suau afegeixen l'encant del llibre il·lustrat. Cloud Bread, que va donar a l'escriptor Baek Hee-na el premi "Il·lustrador de l'any" a la Fira Internacional del Llibre Infantil de Bolonya 2005, està evolucionant cap a una obra que s'estima durant molt de temps a mesura que passa el temps.

সমগ্র শিশুসাহিত্য, de Sukumar Ray (Índia)

Aquest llibre, tota la literatura infantil de Sukumar Roy, ha sorprès els infidels. L'Etern Creador, que va escriure alguna cosa per als nens, es recull aquí en dues cobertes. Totes les rimes, totes les històries, tots els poemes, totes les obres de teatre, totes les referències i totes les imatges dels seus sis i sis estan escrites aquí sobre la mateixa base. La raó per la qual vam poder decorar aquest enorme regal de riquesa a un preu tan baix és perquè vam prendre aquesta obra com un vot, vam voler posar un somriure a la cara de tots els nens de totes les edats. Aquest vot s'ha celebrat avui. A mesura que els nens creixen llegint aquest assaig, els adults també ho faran. Tornant a aquella infantesa, la composició de Sukumar Roy que el va fer bonic i fragant.

Ekmek Parası, de Muzaffer İzgü (Turquia)

Dificultats per guanyar-se la vida, penúries suportades, nits doloroses, dies nus d'hivern, però no necessàriament l'amor per la vida i les persones... Amb més de 10 milions de lectors, una energia inesgotable, la ploma esmolada de l'acudit, el "avi de l'escriptor". "dels nens, Muzaffer Izgu dedica la història de la seva pròpia infància als nens que estima molt.

En turc:

Bir ekmek parasi kazanabilmek icin cekilen sikintilar, katlanilan zorluklar, ac yatilan geceler, ciplak gecirilen kis gunleri;ama ille de yasama ve insanlara duyulan sevgi... 10 milyonu bulan okuruyla, tukenmek bilmeyen enerjisiyle, gulmecenin sivri kalemi, cocuklarin "yazar dedesi" Muzaffer Izgu, kendi cocuklugunun oykusunu cok sevdigi cocuklara armagan ediyor.

صاحب جی سلطان جی, de Aslam Farrukhi (Pakistan)

Aslam Farrukhi is a poet, research scholar, educationist, critic, sketch-writer, dramatist and broadcaster from Pakistan.

He was born into a family known for its literary traditions and sort of inherited love of literature, as his paternal grandfather, his father and even his sisters used to compose poetry.

The Wisdom of Ahmad Shah: An Afghan Legend, de Palwasha Bazger Salam (Afganistan)

Two hundred and fifty years ago, the Great King Ahmad Shah Durrani ruled Afghanistan, and from there, a magnificent empire extending from eastern Iran to northern India, and from the Amu Darya to the Indian Ocean. Known to his people as Ahmad Shah Baba (Ahmad Shah, our father), the king was loved by his people as an outstanding general and a just and wise ruler. But the King was troubled. He needed to find someone with the right qualities to help him -- but how does one find such a person?

Ooh-la-la: Max in Love de Maira Kalman (Israel)

Max the dog-poet is back, this time in Paris and falling in love, in Maira Kalman’s delightful picture book. Everyone is in a froufrou of delight over Max. There’s Fritz from the Ritz, Madame Camembert, Charlotte Russe, and Pierre Potpurri, who wants Max to perform in his Crazy Wolf Nightclub.Amidst the enchantment and beauty that is Paris in the spring, something is missing for Max. Max has made his millions; when will he find romance?