
Slippi Guides

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Slippi Dolphin has built in Rollback to play Super Smash Bros. Melee using a .iso file.

Windows Download || Mac Download

Installation Instructions

Super Smash Bros. Melee ISO Download
Note: You will need to download V1.02 to play Slippi Dolphin

Created by Vince Au

Slippi Stats Graphic Generator can be used to display match information directly from .slp files. Simply go to the website, drag in your .slp files, and you should have a generated stat image. If you want to put this into OBS, you can copy the URL and paste it as the URL for a browser source.


Slippi Replay Mode

Created by

Slippi Replay Mode can be accessed by downloading the Slippi Desktop App. Simply open Slippi Desktop App, configure the correct replay path in 'Configure Settings', then return to the main menu to click on 'Replay Browser'.

Windows Download || Mac Download

Slippi Broadcast Mode

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Slippi Broadcast Mode can be accessed by downloading the Slippi Desktop App. The broadcaster must first have Slippi Dolphin open and running. Both the broadcaster and spectator will open the Slippi Desktop App and select 'Gameplay Broadcasts'. The broadcaster will then put in the Broadcast Key, which is given by the spectator. The broadcaster hits 'Start Broadcast' and the spectator should be able to watch any game as it happens.

We always recommend a warmup game to ensure that the Broadcast works.

Windows Download || Mac Download

Slippi Widescreen Mode

In Slippi Dolphin, right click your game (Super Smash Bros. Melee) and click 'Properties'. Click the 'Gecko Codes' tab and check the 'Option: Widescreen 16:9' box. You can now close the settings windows and open the game to play Super Smash Bros. Melee in Widescreen! Make sure to set your Dolphin Window Resolution in 'Graphics' such that your Dolphin Window also has a 16:9 ratio (or some other widescreen ratio).

Slippi Input Display Overlay

Slippi Dolphin Doubles

Created by and modified by MrEnzyme
(Version 8)

Windows Download || Mac Download

Installation Guide

Testing Network for Slippi

Go to and start a test with the following settings:

  • Packet Size: 2440 and 2456 Bytes

  • Frequency: 61 Pings/Second

  • Duration: 30+ Seconds

  • Acceptable Delay: 100 Milliseconds

  • Server: Georgia

Note: You want the Sent-% and Received-% to be 95+% for a reliable connection.

SSBM Guides

If you are looking to learn more information about the game, check out this repository of helpful Super Smash Bros. Melee tutorials!

By Hamyojo and Cjag

Diet Melee is a rollback, unranked, direct connect compatible build of Melee that’s lower poly in both its stages and characters, and thus easier to run on weaker hardware. If you’re someone who can’t get Melee consistently over 58 FPS for whatever reason, Diet Melee is for you!


Installation Guide

By raoul duke

Custom Stages for Super Smash Bros. Melee! This also works with Slippi, so if both people are using the same ISOs, you can direct connect to play online!


Installation Guide

By Team Akaneia and Uncle Punch
(Version 0.6)

Play Volleyball in Super Smash Bros. Melee! This also works with Slippi, so if both people are using Akaneia ISOs, you can direct connect to play online!



  1. Download the Mod files

  2. Extract the files from the folder

  3. Go to the appropriate Operating System folder among the extracted files

  4. Follow the file names as instructions

Uncle Punch Training Mod

The Uncle Punch Training Mod is extremely useful for practicing Super Smash Bros. Melee techniques.

Smashboards Link

Installation Guide

SSBM Skin Modding

Using DAT Texture Wizard, you can change the appearance of characters and stages in a Super Smash Bros. Melee ISO.

DAT Texture Wizard Download (Windows)

Smashboards Link

Mod Files

Go to the Intercollegiate Slippi Mods page to download the files for custom stages and character skins!

Stream Guides

Live Updating Scoreboard Overlay

Tool: Scoreboard Assistant

Created by Jaxel


  1. Go to the dropdown arrow on the right side, go to 'Scoreboard Tabs' and pick a new scoreboard.
    Pick something with '2' if you have two players, and pick something with '4' if you have four players.
    Each '+' represents an image slot for each player. We recommend only using a single '+' if you only need an icon for characters.

  2. Right click on 'Save' go to 'Text Config' and for each of the options you intend to use, change it an 'Image' or 'Text'.

  3. Go to the folder with the 'Scoreboard Assistant.exe' and look for the 'input' folder. Here, you should find a folder with a similar name as the tab you created. Put any images you wish to select from for either player in that folder.

  4. Go to the folder with the 'Scoreboard Assistant.exe' and look for the 'output' folder. Here you should find the results of the values in the desired format (image or text). You can add these as sources into Open Broadcast Studio (OBS).

  5. Whenever you want to update the Scoreboard, fill in the appropriate values, and hit the 'Save' button.

Date/Time Overlay

Using a Browser Source in Open Broadcast Studio, you can display the current Date and Time!


  1. Start up Open Broadcast Studio

  2. Click the '+' under 'Sources' and add a 'Browser Source'

  3. Give the 'Browser Source' the appropriate Time/Date URL

  4. Set the Width to 1920 pixels and the Height to 1080 pixels

  5. Apply the following Transformation by right-clicking the Browser Source for the Date/Time and go to 'Edit Transformation'.
    Crop Left = 385
    Crop Right = 1301
    Crop Top = 455
    Crop Bottom = 566

  6. Add the following filters ultimately listed in this order. You can edit the second Color Correction 'Hue Shift' value to get different color tones on your Date/Time source.

    Color Correction: Gamma=-3, Contrast=2, Brightness=-0.03, Saturation=5, HueShift=0, Opacity=100, Color=#ffffffff

    Chroma Key: KeyColor=#ff1bffff, Similarity=1, Smoothness=80, KeyColorSpillReduction=100, Opacity=100, Contrast=0, Brightness=0, Gamma=0

    Color Correction: Gamma=0, Contrast=0.06, Brightness=-0.43, Saturation=0, HueShift=180, Opacity=100, Color=#ffffffff

Written by Lucky "Luckstruck9" Lai

Using .bat files, you can edit scores on stream more easily. This can be done by double clicking one of the programs, or having another device open it.



  1. Download the Score Changer Files

  2. In Open Broadcast Studio, put 'score1.txt' and 'score2.txt' as Text Sources.

  3. Click the appropriate .bat file to change desired score.

  4. Optional: You can set your Stream Deck to run the .bat files or have a Razer device programmed to run the .bat files.


  1. Download the Score Changer Files

  2. Put the Score Changer Files into "Scoreboard Assistant/input/YOURFOLDER"
    Note: You should already have a 'score1.txt' and 'score2.txt' file in that directory

  3. Optional: You can set your Stream Deck to run the .bat files or have a Razer device programmed to run the .bat files.

Stream Resources

Super Smash Bros. Melee Stream Overlay

Created by Readek
(Version 1.0)


Installation Guide

Super Smash Bros. Melee Character Heads

A .zip file containing all the Super Smash Bros. Melee Character Head Icons



Super Smash Bros. Melee Character Portraits

A .zip file containing all the Super Smash Bros. Melee Character Portraits



Scoreboard Overlay

The Scoreboard Overlay template that Intercollegiate Slippi uses.

Note: Requires Photoshop to open


Community Resources

Written by Lucky "Luckstruck9" Lai

Using a Discord Bot in Python can help manage your Discord Server and better communicate with members.

Installation and Usage

  1. Download Python (v3.5+)

  2. In 'Command Prompt' or 'Terminal' type the following line:
    'pip install'

  3. Download the Python Discord Bot Template

  4. Go to Discord Developer Portal for Applications

  5. In the top right, click 'New Application'

  6. Fill in the necessary details, and then go to the 'Bot' tab on the left

  7. Copy the 'Token' (Should be towards the center of the screen)

  8. Paste this in the 'DiscordBotToken' on line 34

  9. Go to Discord, right click on the server you want to the bot to be part of, hit 'Copy ID'

  10. Paste this in the 'DiscordServerID' on line 32

  11. To Be Continued