Ministry of Higher Education  and Scientific  Research

Abou Bekr Belkaid University , Tlemcen.Algeria

Faculty of Economic , Business   & Management  Sciences

Laboratory MECAS

International Congress Hybride  

On the 16th & 17th October 2024

Artificial intelligence and the modalities of its adaptation to the internationalization of companies 


with the participation of a group of professors from the country and abroad


Dean of Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences 


Rector of University of Tlemcen 


guest of honor

Pr.BENHABIB Abderrezak

Scientific Commitee President 

Pr.MERABET Slimane

Congress President 


Organizing  Commitee President 

Pr.GRARI Yamina


Conference preamble

Artificial intelligence is an extensive branch of computer science that seeks to design and develop systems that can perform tasks, such as perception, reasoning, learning, and decision-making, which typically require human intelligence. The main areas of artificial intelligence include developing algorithms and computer programs that are capable of analyzing data and putting them to good use in order to make predictions or take decisions based on this analysis. Artificial intelligence in generally viewed as incorporating many subfields such as machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and computers. Based on the above, it can be asserted that, in the coming decades, artificial intelligence is expected to play an increasingly prominent role in the lives of people throughout the world.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence may also be viewed as the simulation of human intelligence processes using special systems similar to computer systems. Artificial intelligence has the capacity to Think and Learn by analyzing large amounts of data. It can be used to automate tasks, make predictions, or identify patterns that humans may not be able to detect.

It is widely acknowledged that AI is actually used in a wide range of applications ranging from virtual personal assistants and chatbots (computer programs that simulate and process human written or spoken conversations, allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with a real person) to self-driving cars and medical diagnostic systems. Based on the above, it may be said that the future of artificial intelligence is highly promising and holds new prospects. All these observations then pushed us to present, in this article, research on artificial intelligence.

History of artificial intelligence

The history of artificial intelligence (AI) dates back to the mid-twentieth century. Indeed, in 1956, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Jonathan Rochester, and Claude Shannon organized the Dartmouth Conference. Some researchers at the conference suggested that a machine could be designed to simulate any task that requires human intelligence.

In the years that followed, artificial intelligence (AI) research developed and advanced rapidly. A number of and researchers then developed several techniques, such as symbolic reasoning and expert systems, to enable machines to make decisions and solve problems based on rules and knowledge. In the 1980s, machine learning emerged as a new approach to artificial intelligence. This then allowed machines to learn from data and improve their performance over time.

Despite the remarkable progress achieved, artificial intelligence still faced many setbacks during the 1990s as a consequence of technical limitations, funding cuts and budget constraints. However, the field has regained momentum in the twenty-first century and, thanks to the availability of large amounts of data and powerful computing resources and tools, artificial intelligence is used today in a wide range of applications, like image and speech recognition. We can therefore assert that the future of artificial intelligence is set to be full of benefits, and its domain will certainly expand over time.

The significance of artificial intelligence is highlighted in several aspects. The most prominent of these are:

Efficiency and productivity: Artificial intelligence can automate various tasks, which leads to increased efficiency and improved productivity. For example, AI-powered chat programs can handle customer inquiries, which can greatly help to concentrate on more complex problems. 

Personalization: AI can help personalize experiences for customers, employees, and various users. For example, AI-powered recommendation systems can suggest products or services based on a user’s preferences and behavior.

Accuracy: AI has the capacity to process massive amounts of data and identify patterns that humans may not be able to detect, which can lead to more accurate predictions and better decision-making.

Innovation: AI can enable the development of new products and services that were not previously possible. AI can, for example, be employed in finding and developing personalized healthcare solutions.

Cost-effectiveness: Artificial intelligence can help reduce costs by automating tasks and by reducing the need for human intervention. Indeed, several companies and organizations in various industries can benefit from Artificial intelligence services.

Safety improvement: Artificial intelligence can be used to improve safety in various fields, such as transportation and healthcare. For example, AI-powered systems are capable to monitor the patients’ vital signs and to alert the medical staff if any abnormalities occur.

Artificial intelligence is in fact one of the issues that concern all social and economic sectors, including the field of education.

The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, believes that: “Artificial intelligence will bring about a radical change in the field of education. We will witness a revolution that shall affect all the educational tools, the learning methods, the access to knowledge, and the process of preparing and training teachers.”

Moreover, artificial intelligence can help accelerate the process of achieving global education goals by reducing barriers to learning, automating administrative procedures, and providing better ways to develop and improve students’ learning outcomes.

The present study aims to solve the problem that is represented by the following question:

What is the role of artificial intelligence and what are the modalities to adapt it to the internationalization of companies?

Conference objectives

1.Highlight the topic of artificial intelligence in financial institutions.

2.Identify the obstacles facing artificial intelligence in the internationalization of small and medium enterprises

3.Diagnose the reality of artificial intelligence in Algeria.

4.Understand the essence of artificial intelligence and find ways to adapt it to the internationalization of companies in developing countries, and in Algeria in particular.

5.Comprehend the social, cultural, and economic challenges that hinder artificial intelligence.

6.Acknowledge the importance of artificial intelligence in economic development.

7.Appreciate the difficulties and obstacles facing artificial intelligence in Algeria and developing countries.

Forum topics:

First axis: Applications of artificial intelligence in financial institutions.

Second axis: The role of artificial intelligence in advancing and enhancing education.

Third axis: The role of artificial intelligence in developing enterprises in Algeria and developing countries.

Fourth axis: Artificial intelligence and its role in developing educational competencies.

Fifth axis: Applications of emerging technology (artificial intelligence and cloud computing) in companies.

Sixth axis: Artificial intelligence between the human needs, Economic determinism, and legal frameworks.

Seventh axis: Digital financial services as a mechanism for enhancing artificial intelligence and moving towards internationalization.

Eighth axis: Applying innovation in Islamic financial technology through artificial intelligence.

Ninth axis: Artificial intelligence strategies and its role in achieving competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises.

Tenth axis: Pioneering international experiences in the field of artificial intelligence and the internationalization of companies.


Important information and dates

to download the intervention model

link to submit the intervention

to download the preamble

important dates

Important dates:

- Date of the conference: 16-17 October2024

- Deadline for submitting complete entries: 30-08-2024

- Final response to accepted entries: 20-09-2024

- For more information and inquiries, you can contact the conference secretariat via email :

or call the following number:

 +213 557 091 503

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