xyz piezo micromanipulator from SENSORICA


Discuss about the Piezo driver HERE


See also

Value accounting

Open resource in SENSORICA's NRP

Open process for this VI development in SENSORICA's NRP

NOTE: if you contribute to this software development you can log your contributions into SENSORICA's NRP. You need to be an active affiliate of SNESORICA.



  1. If you use the entire platform, download the Instrument Driver of your choice and drop it into the Instrument Drivers folder.

  2. NOTE: You can run Instrument Drivers alone or in the General Application.

Single axis

NOTE: This VI uses AO Channel 0 of the LJ DAQ card by default. If you want change the AO channel you need to change it everywhere in the program. You need to physically connect your Piezo Electronic Driver to channel AO0 of the LJ DAQ card. See more on the piezo manual.

  • Option with NI-DAQ:

NOTES: in order to make this program work properly with the NI DAQ card you need to make sure that the card is properly configured. The Piezo uses a NI-DAQ max Gloval Virtual Channel called MotorControlSignal (see picture below). If you don't use the other devices you don't need the other channels.

Piezo Channel in Measurement & Automation

Configuration of the Piezo virtual channel

    • Option with NI-FPGA:

NOTE: in order to make this program work properly with your FPGA you need to have the IA Platform on your machine, which contains other files to configure your FPGA card, including a FPGA*.lvproj file, which is a LabView Project File. This LabView program is made to work in conjunction with other LabView programs that run other instruments like Mosquito, Perfusion, and Valves, on the same FPGA configuration. If you need a stand alone FPGA application only for the Piezo you need to modify the FPGA configuration. At this moment the should run on the FPGA for this Piezo program and all the others.

Configuration of the FPGA card seen on the Project file.

The FPGA target shown in the Piezo_*.vi Block Diagram

See Instructions below for installing these LabView Drivers.

Front panel

Short video tutorial

2 to 3 axis

  • Option with LabJack DAQ: Piezo_LJ-3ax-v2 controls 1 to 3 axis piezo driver


You need to download the entire LabView program for integration if you want to run this LabView Instrument Driver in conjunctions with other Instrument Drivers.

  • Put Piezo_*.vi file in the Instrument Driver folder on your machine.

    • For the one that works with the LabJack (LJ) you also need to download the and place it into the Libraries/Piezo folder (copy and replace if already there).

  • If this is the first time you are using the Piezo Instrument Driver alone or with the IA platform you also need to download the Piezo Dec 11 folder, which contains all the necessary sub-VIs .Unzip it and put it into the Libraries folder of the IA Platform on your machine if you use it with the IA platform. Put it anywhere if otherwise.

  • Download the file and put it into the Libraries folder on your machine.

NOTE: the is a global variable that was added after Nabil's proposition to have the Piezo report motion, so that we can coordinate piezo motion with other devices. For example, we can now have Mosquito and/or Penguin data mixed with the Piezo data from one experiment, in order to have access to absolute length at all times.

The picture below shows the file structure of the IA Platform