Start Using the Program

Install the LabVIEW platform for research environment

  • Download the Program (this program uses timed loops, ONLY supported in Windows!)

  • Unzip the LV Platform for Research zip folder somewhere in your documents. You must have LabView installed on your machine in order to run the VIs.

Get started

  • Open the unzipped folder

  • Open the Principal

  • Load and run an Application - see video below

  • See Problem 1 below


If the program is broken, you might be missing some files because your LabVIEW might have a different configuration. Note the files you are missing and discuss in the IAC forum. Contact the community and we'll be more than happy to assist you.

To build a new Instrument Driver read THIS document.

For more info on the Principal Program read THIS document.

Configure your own Application

Problems discovered to be solved

Problem 1

The Instrument Driver Configuration feature must be customized for your computer. To avoid problems at the beginning, while you test the program on your computer for the first time, chose value -2 for the parameter "Processor", see the picture. Proposed Solution: This feature must be generalized, we need to make the program recognize computer resources and automatically adapt to the environment.

Was problem solved? NOT YET
