Research workflows, tools, and
My Ever-tuning system

Mindset & Values System ─ Methods (Workflows) ─ Tools ─ Impact & Power

~ LaoZi, Taoism

法、術、器、勢 道家 老子

Mindset and values I support

Integrity 誠信有幾分證據,說幾分話)

Sincere & Be kind  (真誠,善良是種選擇)

Inquiring mind & Self-learning ability  (追根究底自學能力)

Open knowledge (knowledge sharing) & Collaborative workflow (知識共享 & 協作)

Research Cycle and Workflows

(A) Discover and explore literature

(B) Collect and organize literature; Auto-citation

(C) Read, take notes, make notes, draft, and connect the notes (knowledge management)

(D) Design studies and experiments

 Apply for ethical approval

(E) Collect data

(F) Process and analysis data

     Statistical analysis

(G) Visualize results: Plot figures, make tables

(H) Write and Cite: Journal manuscripts, proposals, project reports, etc.

      Discuss with colleagues or mentors

Iterate steps (F) to (H)

(I) Submit your work and cross your fingers

(J) Update research profiles

(K) Present findings: Oral presentation, conference poster, etc.

... and start over again for a new study!

Research Tools I USE

The power of AI!

(A) Free, powerful AI-based literature discovery, recommendations, and visualization platforms

(B) Powerful reference managers

(C) Powerful AI reader and summarizer: Literature reading and summarization

(D) Powerful personal knowledge management system (PKMS): Literature note-taking, annotation, highlighting, note-making, knowledge mapping

(to be continued...)

(H) Write and Cite

(K) Present findings: Oral presentation, conference poster, etc.

Last updated: Oct 13, 2023