NOTE: If you are installing a LTSC version of windows 10 it NEEDS to be the 2021 version otherwise there will be issues "if you use the older LTSC 2019 audio drivers doesnt work and it will crash the deck even after reboots." - u/ryanrudolf from here

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition Installing the driver will fail (as the steam deck does not use an off the shelf APU) but it does give access to the installation component for the Catalyst Control Center which allows you to alter the color saturation in games however other controls do not work, And the HDMI audio Driver

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Finally, there seem to be a number of people providing unofficial pre-compiled PortAudio binaries for Windows. If you search for "portaudio windows binary" or "portaudio windows pre-compiled" you'll find a number of them. I have no idea how well-tested, up-to-date, etc. any of these are.

You can use a wide rangeof hardware inputs and outputs with Adobe Audition. Sound card inputslet you bring in audio from sources such as microphones, tape decks,and digital effects units. Sound card outputs let you monitor audio throughsources such as speakers and headphones. be457b7860

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