The download of Essential Sounds and Settings failed. Please check your Internet connection and try again, or continue without download. Some features will not be fully available without those Sounds. You can resume the download later via Logic Pro X > Sound Library > Download Essential Sounds. Logic Pro X was not able to complete the download. Check your Internet connection and try downloading again.

And the download screen zero of sixty something gigs and the word FAILED, need help please, using catalina, used to have the libraries in an external hd, then catalina, did no idea what, that cloned 1 directory of the whole library of the external hd in the Macintosh HD, with the folder Apple loops, but final cut pro x sound library, managed to delete it, with an adobe lightroom page that had an issue of directory, not SIP protocol, related, tried with that but nothing, used

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to delete the cloned directory, still couldn't download the libraries, tried uninstalling and deleting the whole old libraries, nothing, tried moving the libraries to their origin place, tried relocating the libraries, nothing, I have no idea what's going on. Please help.

"The download of essential sounds and settings failed. Please check your connection and try again, or continue without download. Some features will not be fully available without those Sounds. You can re-sume the download later via Logic Pro X > Sound Library > Download Essential Sounds."

If I tell it to try again it does the same thing over and over. I considered just ignoring the message, but it attempts to install them every time the application launches. If I keep trying it just keeps downloading stuff saying things like: "1.01GB of 765MB downloaded".

Ok... This is very strange. I just completely reinstalled the operating system. So it's a completely fresh copy of OS X El Capitan. I didn't even upgrade it or anything. The first thing I did was go into the app store and download GarageBand. It installed fine so I ran it, and it starts downloading essential sounds. And of course after downloading for less than a minute it gives me the same error "The download of Essential Sounds and Settings failed."

Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm experiencing the same thing right now. Logic Pro blames my internet connectivity for not being able to download the available sound packages. Complete BS. It's weird that I was able to download the "Essentials" but not the extra content available through the Sound Library Manager.

Updating, I got to Logic's temp downloads folder and found all .pkg files of the content safe and sound- they work 100% when installing manually.

So if it downloads fine, the issue must be with logic trying to install them itself- at that point, it just fails and complains about the internet connection (even though the files were dowloaded fine...?)

Not sure what's going on.. something is blocking it from installing? Why? How?

I'm just confused at this point... 

(BTW when it finishes downloading it does request for my computer's password, so it obviously is trying to start installing them)

Possibly some kind of permissions issue? Not enough space to unpack? In any case, something is causing the process to fail, and Logic just notifies you in general that your download couldn't be completed (ie couldn't be downloaded, unpacked, and installed).

Hey all, i upgraded from Catalina (Logic 10.4.6) to Monterey. 10.4.6 won't open at all. I deleted the entire app, upgraded to 10.7.4, and the next problem appears: cannot download any of the additional sounds. Keeps looping etc.

I have 60 GB free internal SSD. Tried downloading the basic sounds (which is like 1.69 GB) to the internal disc, and then told Logic to transfer the sound bank to an external SSD (775 GB free).

This worked (however downloading sounds did not). I can't get it to work. What is this madness?

I updated garageband and opened it. It wanted to update some files, so I said yes. That went fine. Now back to logic. First same issues, now it looks like it's downloading some content without interruptions. Keep u posted.

Nasty bug this one.

I updated garageband and opened it. It wanted to update some files, so I said yes. That went fine. Now back to logic. First same issues, now it looks like it's downloading some content without interruptions. Keep u posted.

Little update from my side:

Installed Logic (10.7.4). It starts downloading essential sounds to be able to open at all. 

After this is done, I downloaded around 40 GB of additional sounds. Then I relocated the sound bank to my external SSD. I open an existing project. It tells me sounds are missing and starts to download + install them. I notice it downloads them not on the exteral drive, but to the internal drive. Seems like Logic doesn't see the link to the sound bank on the external SSD. 

Did some more digging, and it seems my exteral drive should be formatted as APFS (it's now Mac OS Journaled, which was never a problem). So i'd need to back up everything on this drive, format it and try it all again ?

We have Garage Band available on Self Service. Non-admin users are able to download and install it just fine. However, the first time it is launched it pops a dialogue to download the "Essential Sounds Download" which our users also need. It downloads the package but then pops a security dialogue requesting an admin username / password to complete the install. Has anyone found a way to allow this to run for non-admin users?

I was able to download the mandatory loops with this script and package them but to create a package for the optional loops would require over 20 gigs of space on your file share so I prefer the clients go download and install those loops themselves through Self Service with this script.

This is how I handled this:

Some indicated that they would rather the client went and downloaded the loops themselves. In our environment that won't work. The user can't be trusted, plus they don't have the permissions to install anything.

I found a script that downloads all of the loops for GarageBand, Logic Pro and MainStage. One could just edit the script to remove the un wanted loops. I went theu the downloaded files and removed what I didn't want.

I realize this is an old thread, but if Garage Band already downloaded the loops in the background because they opened up the app before the script ran, can you delete that download and mark it not to try to install it again? Even after running the script Garage Band tries to install the downloaded version every time it is launched. Thanks for the help.

@chrisdaggett Thank you, I was hoping to just allow the students to be able to download things themselves instead of downloading for them. Its only a small group in the lab that uses them, It would just be easier to figure something out like we do with Xcode (developer mode) that allows them to install what they want and leave off what they don't.

@stephaniemm77 Did you manage to find a solution giving appropriate rights for users to install essential sounds? Am in the same boat for our schools, if we can provide access to allow the users to install essentials would solve our concern.

Hey guys, a popular question but no straight forward answer, that I can find: I have deleted the Essential Sounds (don't use them, don't want them/ including Loops) and every time I open Logic it is still prompting AND downloading them. I want this to stop. Any way to stop this doing so?

(Every time I start up it continues to download the essential sounds, I press 'Download Later' and it gives me a Finish Download or Continue option in which I press Continue but I don't want to even do this.)

It is annoying, especially if you you have your content on an external drive, and often need to run Logic to do something quickly without the drive attached, and Logic prompts to redownload content and trash my content aliases to the external drive in the process.

#2 - Add to the hosts file an entry for with an IP address of this is the same domain name that GarageBand uses as well. Little know fact, while a DNS resolves IP address from names, the hosts file is still active so any entries you add to it is used first before the DNS. Again, Logic won't be able to connect so no prompt happens.

Have you tried this? I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter on the status of your network connection, if that essetential content isn't available locally, Logic will prompt you to download it when you run Logic - it's just that if you say "Ok, go get it..." then the download will (obviously) fail.

Edit: Just tried it, and yes, with no network connection, Logic just prompts "The essential content download has failed, continue | retry" and if you "continue", it leaves the essential content dialog on screen as Logic loads. So you still get annoying prompts regardless.

As far as I've tried, I've found no way to influence this behaviour. Instead, I had to develop some scripts to switch between "local" (non-audio drive use), where I point Logic towards a laptop-copy of the essential content, and "audio drive" use, where I point Logic to my audio drive, to avoid Logic either prompting to download essential content it can't find, and/or wiping out my aliases to the said content.

It's a behaviour that was introduced somewhere around 10.1-10.3 (can't remember when exactly) and it's annoying, as I often start Logic without my audio drive present, and for years this used to be seamless and not a problem, but now I have to implement special handling to do it quietly.

At this point you're either thinking "Oh, I didn't realise it behaved like that..." or you're thinking "Well, what if you... etc etc?" Trust me, I've tried. I've tried so many things I've forgotten what they were. If you can think of a way for Logic to behave like it used to that I might have missed, I'm all ears... I've just about explored every possibility I can think of and I've found no way to seamlessly manage this without various problems (and there are several gotchas that I haven't gone into - for example, if you don't have external aliases, then any new library downloads will go to the local disk, rather than my external library content, so I have to manually spot that and copy that stuff over) - hence my script solution that flips the configuration between local content and external content so Logic will behave as expected with and without the drive connected. be457b7860

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