Instagram Bio Link Not Working, How do I Fix it?

Instagram is a fantastic tool for promoting your business, its products, and services. However, I believe it is fair to say that it can be difficult at times. When your Instagram bio link is not working, this is the most obvious example.

This shouldn't be a major issue in most cases. Your bio link, on the other hand, is how you bring visitors to where you need them to go and turn them into paying customers. Your Instagram marketing will be severely hampered if you don't have it working fine.

Unfortunately, Instagram isn't always forthcoming when it comes to explaining why your Instagram bio link isn't working or how to fix it. However, in this article, I'll go over a few explanations why this might be the case, as well as how to fix it.

The Top Reasons Your Instagram Bio Link Isn't Working and What You Should Do About It

Your Instagram link may be acting weird for a variety of reasons. Some of them are simple to correct, while others can necessitate the use of an Instagram bio link tool like Shorby. But don't be bothered. I'll take you through each one and also discuss everything you need to know about this tool.

Let's get started now.

1. An Instagram bug or a bug from you

Software isn't without flaws. Bugs wreak havoc on apps like Instagram, just as they do on cars and other electronic devices.

People who use Instagram on their PC have complained at various times that their bio link takes them to the app. It's possible that this is why your Instagram link in your bio is not working.

In this scenario, the safest course of action is to simply wait a few minutes or hours for it to correct itself.

However, there's a good chance that the bug is in your app. If that's the case, you can't just wait for Instagram to fix it because they might not even be aware of the issue. You'd have to contact their customer service department and ask them to resolve it for you.

2. Your link was placed in the wrong section.

Hey, we're all imperfect and make mistakes from time to time. It's perfectly natural. If you discover that your Instagram bio link isn't working, it's possible that you've put it in the wrong spot.

There are two main places on Instagram where you can use text in your profile. The first section is your bio, which includes basic information about yourself. The second is the URL area.

The second section is your URL field, which is where you will place your link. It wouldn't work if you put your link in the bio section. Your readers would see it as regular text on Instagram, and they would be unable to click it.

If you put your Instagram bio link in this area by mistake, simply delete it and replace it with the URL area. People would then be able to click on it and go wherever they wanted to go.

Instagram bio link not working

3. Your Instagram link has been blocked.

As I previously said, Instagram can be difficult at times. For instance, unlike traditional social networks, they do not allow you to attach links to your posts if you don’t have over 10,000 followers. In addition, you can only have one link in your bio. As if that wasn't enough, there are some links you are not allowed to include in your bio.

If your Instagram bio link isn't working, it's possible that Instagram has blocked it.

Here's a list of links that Instagram won't let you share, just in case you're still confused:

· Links that have been reported as leading to spam websites

· Links to websites with explicit content

· Doctored domain names

· Links that appear on too many accounts in too little time

· Telegram and Snapchat links

· Shortened URLs

If any of these links appear in your bio, you have two choices for removing them. The first option is for you to simply change it, as Instagram's rules on these links are unlikely to change. If your link has been mistakenly marked as spam, you can contact Instagram customer service.

However, this is a time-consuming process. Instead, you might use Shorby, an Instagram bio link tool. This tool will allow you to build a landing page with all of your links, including those that Instagram does not allow, such as Telegram and Snapchat. I'll tell you what you need to know about this tool in a bit.

4. The Instagram app is outdated.

Another reason your Instagram bio link isn't clickable is that your Instagram app is out of date. Many social media apps release new versions of their software on a regular basis to improve compatibility and patch bugs.

By removing the old edition, some of them would force you to download new ones. Others would actually leave you to your own devices to make your decision and live.

Others would simply leave you to decide for yourself and deal with the current issues. In the case of Instagram, it's normally the latter.

If you haven't updated your Instagram app, you might still be experiencing the old bugs that prevent your Instagram link from working in your bio.

Depending on your operating system, you can download the new version on the Google Playstore or the App Store.

5. Invalid URL

This is just as easy as putting the link in the wrong section, but it's just as likely to happen. You might make the simple error of typing the incorrect URL in the link field. You may even include a link to a broken page. In this situation, you'll need to remove the broken Instagram link entirely and replace it with a working one.

6. Your link tool isn't effective.

If you're an entrepreneur trying to sell to the millions of people on Instagram, you've probably heard of link in bio tools at some point. Shorby is one example, but there are others on the market. Many of them are excellent, but many of them are still subpar, with lengthy downtimes.

If your linking tool ever malfunctions, your Instagram link will become inactive, and you'll start losing potential customers. The only way to avoid this is to use an effective Instagram bio link tool. You'd be at the mercy of poor linking services otherwise. Shorby is one tool that has made a name for itself in the industry.

Shorby: Everything You Need to Know

For any entrepreneur looking to get ahead on Instagram, Shorby is a must-have link in bio tool. It enables you to get around the social network's link restrictions and make the most of your business. How does it help achieve that?

1. It enables you to build well-optimized landing pages.

As a business owner, you most likely have a variety of pages to which you want to direct your customers. These could include your new deals page, your portfolio page, your product gallery, social media, and so on. Unfortunately, Instagram only allows you to post one link at a time.

Shorby assists you in creating and editing a landing page that includes links to all of the sites you need to send visitors to. You don't have to be concerned with how to put a clickable link in your Instagram bio because Shorby allows you to put several clickable links in your bio all within a single link.

It can also assist in the development of a micro landing page for the promotion of affiliate links on Instagram.

2. It works as an Instagram bio link shortener.

Shorby is capable of more than just creating optimized landing pages. The platform also allows you to shorten unnecessarily long links.

This makes Shorby useful even if you don't need to build a complete landing page with links.

Shorby will help you shorten your one link if it is too long to fit into your Instagram URL area.

3. It facilitates the connection of messenger apps.

Your potential customers are likely to text you before placing orders. In that case, as part of their customer journey, you'll need a way to guide them from Instagram to your inbox, right? Since, among other things, Instagram does not allow links to Telegram.

You can link Shorby to your messenger apps in order to aid your customers' journey to your inbox. As previously mentioned, this may be one of the many links you build in your optimized landing page.

Shorby works with a variety of applications, including

· WhatsApp

· Viber

· Telegram

· Facebook Messenger

· Email, and Skype.

Final Thoughts

For a variety of reasons, your Instagram bio link might not be working. I've mentioned the most popular reasons why this is the case in this post. In addition, I've shown you how to fix it, especially with creative tools like Shorby. All that's left for you to do now is get down to business and drive tons of Instagram traffic to your links.