How to Put a Link in Your Instagram Bio

Most business owners are aware of Instagram's potential as a marketing tool. It's a different story when it comes to actually using it.

However, learning how to put a link in your Instagram bio is one of the first steps toward earning money from your account.

Instagram, allows you to post links anywhere you want. The majority of them, however, will not be clickable. If you have less than 10,000 followers, your bio is the only place where you can have a clickable link.

This guide will show you how to add a clickable link in your Instagram bio and how to optimize it to get more clicks.

What Is the Purpose of an Instagram Bio Link?

Your Instagram bio link is that single clickable link you are allowed to insert in the website section of your Instagram page and this is where you send traffic from Instagram to.

Your link can point to any website as long as it follows Instagram's guidelines. You can provide a link to your website, YouTube channel, affiliate link, and so on. However, since you only have one link, you must make the most of it.

Later in this article, I'll explain better how you can add multiple links to your bio and get better results from your bio link.

But first, let's go over how to insert a link in your Instagram bio in as many ways as possible.

How to Use the App to Add a Link to Your Instagram Bio

1. Open Instagram from your phone's home screen or menu and make sure you're logged in.

2. Next, go to your profile by clicking the profile picture icon in the bottom right corner of the page.

3. Under your picture on the profile page, you'll see the "Edit profile" button. Select it by clicking on it.

4. We're searching for "website."

5. Type your link address in the box next to the word and click "Done" in the top right corner of your computer.

How to put a Website Link in Your Instagram Bio Via Instagram Website

If you're using your laptop to access Instagram or don't have the app on your computer, this method will work. So, here's how to get your bio link up and running.

1. Log in to your Instagram account at

2. Since your timeline is Instagram's default page/home screen, you'll most likely be led there. To access your profile, click your username in the upper-right corner of the page.

3. Once you're in your profile, choose "Edit profile." It can be found right next to your username.

4. As the page loads, you'll notice some words with boxes next to them. The third from the top, labeled "Website," is the one we want. Put your link in the website spot.

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press "Submit" to save your changes.

And that's how, no matter what computer you're using, you can add a clickable link to your Instagram bio. But understanding all of this is just the first step toward optimizing the power of your bio link.

Here are a few things your bio link can help you with.

Instagram Bio Link: How to Use It

1. Adding a Link to Your Website

In Instagram bios, this is the most common form of connection. To drive traffic from your Instagram profile, include a link to your website in your bio.

If you have a more unique page you want to draw attention to, referring to it in your bio is a perfect way to do so.

2. Increasing the Number of People Who Visit Your Blog

There are hundreds of millions of blogs on the internet, but only so much time and attention can be given to each of them. If you want more people to see your content, include a link in your bio. There's a good chance you'll be able to attract a new audience.

3. Inviting others to visit your YouTube channel

Video marketing is one of the best ways to guarantee a ROI, according to 51% of marketers worldwide.

Even if you're not selling something and just want people to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel, including a YouTube link in your Instagram bio using either of the methods mentioned above can attract people who want to see more of your content.

4. Market a Specific Product or Service

Do you sell something or provide any services? Do you want to use Instagram for affiliate marketing or do you have an upcoming event that needs to be promoted?

Your Instagram bio link will help you attract attention to such promotions, resulting in increased traffic and, ultimately, sales.

5. Freebies!

Giveaways and competitions are fun for everyone, and I'm sure your followers enjoy them as well. Including a contest participation link in your bio is a perfect way to drive traffic to your website and Instagram profile. It's a win-win situation!

Now that you've seen what a bio connection can do for you, I'm sure you're itching to add a website address.

But wait a minute.

In your bio, you can only add one link. It's up to you to get the best of it. So, what I'm going to do now is show you how to optimize your link so that you can showcase all you have in one place.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Bio Link

1. Creating a brand

A logo, corporate name, packaging, or theme are all examples of branding. Your links, too, should be branded. Visitors are surprised by the effects of branded links.

Generic links are much longer and less memorable than links with your brand's name. That is, simply seeing the link causes it to linger in people's minds.

So much so that even though they don't buy your product right away, they may still remember the link when they are ready to buy.

It also aids in the referral of your business. Because of the name of your link and the products associated with it, people are more likely to remember your brand.

This memory also comes in handy when people use a search engine to find your stuff.

2. Make the link shorter.

Instagram's bio details are limited to just 150 characters?

Your bio link, like your bio description, should be brief and to the point. When you have a long, rambling, three-line link in your bio, it's rather unattractive.

People are less likely to click on links that contain so many unrelated words and numbers.

It's much safer if your link is brief and cleans up the look of your bio. Copy and paste the link into an Instagram URL shortener to add a short link to your Instagram bio.

3. Use an Instagram Bio Link Tool to create a Landing Page.

Back in the day, you had to pick and choose which sites you wanted to link to in your bio. Adding links to sites like Snapchat, Telegram, and others to your bio would also cause your bio link to stop working.

But now you can easily add several links to your Instagram bio if you use the right link in bio tool. You can make a page that contains all of your links.

Are you confused?

Allow me to clarify.

Take, for example, Shorby. Shorby is an Instagram bio link shortener that allows you to host your links on a landing page.

Shorby allows users to create a branded landing page that links to all of your offers, blog posts, videos, and other material. You'll be able to give your visitors access to all of the sites you want them to visit from this single page.

This means you won't have to continually update your bio links because you'll be able to host all of your links in one location.

Other apps allow you to include clickable links in your Instagram profile.

Linktree and are two of the most common and there are also a number of Linktree alternatives in the market.

However, I used Shorby in this article because its features allow you to build a micro landing page that allows you to add multiple links to your Instagram bio, shorten long links, and other useful features.

An RSS feed, for example, allows you to change your content automatically. You may also have a function known as Messenger Links.

Messenger links enable you to create a link that directs visitors to your messages automatically. This means that if they have a question, they can ask it through a simple link and talk with you.

Another benefit of using bio link tools is analytics.

When performed correctly, analytics can provide a wealth of information about customer behavior. Normal links do have some analytics, such as how many clicks your connection has received, but this isn't very useful.

Branded links (links built with a bio link tool) usually provide much better analytics. They will tell you when visitors clicked and what computer they were using at the time.

Some link in bio tools also have a retargeting feature that helps them to keep track of visitors who click on their links.

And if they don't sign up for a service or buy anything, you can use a retargeted ad to remind them when they're on other websites.

All of this data can be used to create better content for a more specific audience. Better content and a more focused audience will increase conversions.

How to Add Multiple Links on Instagram Using Shorby

Sign up for a free trial HERE on Shorby and log in to your account. Click on the "Create" button on the home page and choose "Smart Page". Click the "Add Block" button and choose "Button or Card".

adding multiple links to Instagram bio

Enter your link and give your link a title if you want, then click on the green icon at the top right hand side of the page.

How to put multiple links on Instagram bio

Repeat the process to include other links you wish to add on your page and click the publish button. Copy the link to your just created landing page containing all your links and put it in your Instagram bio.

Final thoughts on How to Put A Link in Instagram Bio

It's simple to learn how to add a link to your Instagram bio, but the aim should be to get the most value out of that one link.

I hope I've shown how to take advantage of the Instagram resources at your disposal to increase traffic and sales.