Approaches to learning Mandarin

Are there any specific approaches to learning Mandarin? 小孩子学华文有诀窍吗?

Some parents ask me “Is there a specific approach which would allow children to learn Mandarin more effectively?” My answer is always in the affirmative and the approach which I would recommend is that children learn to express themselves not only accurately but eloquently in the Chinese language. This goes beyond merely being able to articulate oneself in Mandarin but being able to shape one’s thoughts in the language as well.


Many Singaporean children resent having to learn Mandarin because they find that it is difficult to recognize and memorize Chinese characters. However, this is not the real reason behind their distaste for the language but merely a surface manifestation of a deeper problem. The underlying truth of the matter is that Mandarin is viewed only a written language, made relevant only in classroom learning and exposition. The language has become divorced from the reality of their psychological and intellectual experience. Thus, the task of mastering Mandarin has become a cumbersome affair which they cannot wait to be excused from as soon as possible.

很多新加坡小孩排斥华文,表面上看,是因为他 们觉得华文字很难写、很难认。其实,更深层的原因是,在英语环境里,华语渐渐成了一种“书面语言”,仅仅用来在华文课上学习和“研究”。华语已经脱离了这 些学生的精神生活,也脱离了他们的智力兴趣。掌握华语对学生来说变成了一件讨厌的、令人苦恼的事,最好能够尽快地摆脱它。

A true grasp and understanding implies the capacity to wield and to apply. Children will only be able to reap a lifetime of benefits from a true grasp of Mandarin when it becomes an integral part of their cognitive processes and an instinctive language which they are able to use to express their emotions.


Therefore, the tutor plays an important role in stimulating the interests of children to employ the use of appropriate terms in Mandarin to express their thoughts and feelings.


Mandarin and English vary in origins and thus they differ in terms of grammar and syntax. This is why it may not be ideal for Mandarin to be learnt via English translations as it only serves to highlight the vast difference between both, making Mandarin seem more alienating.
