
Inspire Chinese Tuition

To educate sometimes, to inspire often, to assist always


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to contact Teacher Gu 顾老师

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All passages are written by Teacher Gu (except Teaching and Teaching Views ), please credit the website if any passages are reproduced.


A poem of Khalil Gibran:Teaching XVIII纪伯伦的诗:关于为师之道


Then said a teacher, "Speak to us of Teaching."

And he said:

No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of our knowledge.

The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.

If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.

The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding.

The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it.

And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither.

For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man.

And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth.











Are there any specific approaches to learning Mandarin? 小孩子学华文有诀窍吗?

Some parents ask me “Is there a specific approach which would allow children to learn Mandarin more effectively?” My answer is always in the affirmative and the approach which I would recommend is that children learn to express themselves not only accurately but eloquently in the Chinese language. This goes beyond merely being able to articulate oneself in Mandarin but being able to shape one’s thoughts in the language as well.


Many Singaporean children resent having to learn Mandarin because they find that it is difficult to recognize and memorize Chinese characters. However, this is not the real reason behind their distaste for the language but merely a surface manifestation of a deeper problem. The underlying truth of the matter is that Mandarin is viewed only a written language, made relevant only in classroom learning and exposition. The language has become divorced from the reality of their psychological and intellectual experience. Thus, the task of mastering Mandarin has become a cumbersome affair which they cannot wait to be excused from as soon as possible.

很多新加坡小孩排斥华文,表面上看,是因为他 们觉得华文字很难写、很难认。其实,更深层的原因是,在英语环境里,华语渐渐成了一种“书面语言”,仅仅用来在华文课上学习和“研究”。华语已经脱离了这 些学生的精神生活,也脱离了他们的智力兴趣。掌握华语对学生来说变成了一件讨厌的、令人苦恼的事,最好能够尽快地摆脱它。

A true grasp and understanding implies the capacity to wield and to apply. Children will only be able to reap a lifetime of benefits from a true grasp of Mandarin when it becomes an integral part of their cognitive processes and an instinctive language which they are able to use to express their emotions.


Therefore, the tutor plays an important role in stimulating the interests of children to employ the use of appropriate terms in Mandarin to express their thoughts and feelings.


Mandarin and English vary in origins and thus they differ in terms of grammar and syntax. This is why it may not be ideal for Mandarin to be learnt via English translations as it only serves to highlight the vast difference between both, making Mandarin seem more alienating.


Am I a good tutor? 我是好老师吗?

Confucius said, "I daily examine myself on three points: whether I have been loyal in my transactions with others; whether I have been sincere in interactions with friends, whether I have mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher." Having taught a diverse range of students after so many years as a tutor, I often ask myself, “Am I a good tutor?” “Have I improved the academic scores of my students, built their confidence and inspired in them a love for the Chinese language? Have I shown consideration for their weaknesses, given every care to preserve their self-respect and left them with a lifetime of benefits from my teaching?”

孔子说:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习 乎?”做补习老师这么多年,教过的孩子千差万别,我也常常问自己:我是好老师吗?那些孩子,我有没有提高他们的成绩,建立他们的信心,使他们更加热爱华语?我有没有体贴他们的软弱,呵护他们的自尊,使他们从我的教导中终生受益?

An expert once said,” The secret to success in pedagogy is to create in the student self-motivation to better himself.” Affirmation from a teacher drives students to want to better themselves. Students can become motivated if they are sufficiently assured of their potential to develop by their teachers because curiosity and thirst for knowledge are innate human traits.


In the process of my interactions with children, I have been deeply convinced that each child has an aspect of self which is hidden and suppressed within. The children may not express it, but in varying degrees, each of them wrestles with feelings of anxiety, inferiority and frustration with the learning difficulties. They desire to be affirmed and the potential in them needs to be awakened. As a tutor, I need to approach things from the child’s perspective. This is the only way in which they may be spurred to become self-motivated individuals with a love for learning.

在和孩子交往的过程中我深深感到,每个孩子内心深处都有最隐秘的一角。 他们也许不太会表达,但他们每个人都或多或少存在学习的焦虑感、自卑感和挫败感。他们期待被肯定,他们的潜能需要被唤醒。作为补习老师,我需要同孩子的心弦对准音调。只有这样,他们才能自己主动变成一个爱学习的孩子。

I believe that love conquers all.





古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。生乎吾前,其闻道 也固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也亦先乎吾,吾从而师之。吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存 也。


爱 其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉,惑矣。彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者也,非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也。句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小 学而大遗,吾未见其明也。巫医乐师百工之人,不耻相师。士大夫之族,曰师曰弟子云者,则群聚而笑之。问之,则曰:“彼与彼年相若也,道相似也,位卑则足 羞,官盛则近谀。”呜呼!师道之不复,可知矣。巫医乐师百工之人,君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤!



Teaching Views by Han Yu,Tang Dynasty

In ancient times, people learnt following a teacher.A teacher imparted down his knowledge and principals ,and helped explain students' questions.Since we are all born blank ,nobody doesn't have any questions.Full of questions but not seeking help, he can bet that all the confusions remain in his mind-room.Those who were born before me, of course, learning more and earlier than me,I would ask to for help.Those who were born after me, learning what I don't learn,I would visit regarding as my teachers.I want to learn more, so I am not so interesting in his age. Therefore, noble or humble, old or young, if only knowledge is there, the teacher is standing there.

Ahye!……but the custom has been lost for long ,but having no confusions is just a nice wishful thinking.Those ancient solons, who were far sager,were learning from their teachers yet while many a people today,who is far stupider,regards learning as good disgrace,which is why the sager became sager while the stupider become stupider.Why they were so sage while you are so stupid can you get the answer to now. Father Loves his child and chooses teachers to teach it ,however, as for itself,ashamed of such disgrace.How silly!Those children's teachers who teach words and reading-pausing,aren't those I told who imparted down his knowledge and principals ,and helped explain students' questions. Not knowing reading-pausing and excited in learning it in a serious manner while full of confusion but ignoring it,I don't think he has a good head for business to cast accounts accurately.Witch doctors,musicians and various artisans like these, enjoy learning from each other while so-called scholar-bureaucrats,given hearing callings of teachers and students,are sure to gather jeering and sneering around.Why?They say,"those guys are of similar age and similarly intelligent.Obviously,asking the humble is so shameful ,and if he is a great official,you can get considerable misgivings of flattering.Ahye……that is probably why the custom isn't existing any longer.And it isn't so strange that those various artisans,who most noblemen have been looking down upon, are more informed.

Solons didn't have a single and steady teacher.Confucius ever learnt from Tanzi,Chang Hong,Shi Xiang,Lao Dan(译者注:郯子,苌弘,师襄,老聃).Such persons as Tanzi,were less sager than Confucius. Confucius ever said:"I am sure that one of three pedestrians can be my teacher."Thus,it is impossible that a student is always inferior to his teacher,and a teacher can't be smarter on any case than his students.They differ just in learning earlier or later and specializing in different fields ,nothing more.

Li Pan,aged 17 years old,loves classical writings, and has ever learnt through the Classicses and Interpretations of Liuyi(译者注:儒家的六艺经传 哈哈).Li can't run fast enough to follow the fashion,and now is visiting me for learning.I wrote the essay for him to praise his far-back learning spirits。


古 代求学的人必定有老师。老师,(是)靠(他)来传授道理,讲授学业,解答疑难问题的人啊。人不是一生下来就懂得道理的,谁能没有疑惑(的问题)?(有了) 疑惑,如果不跟老师(学习),那些成为疑难问题的,(就)始终不能解答了。出生在我前头(的人),他懂得道理本来早于我,我(应该)跟从(他),把他当做 老师;出生在我后面(的人),(如果)他懂得道理也早于我,我(也应该)跟从(他),把他当做老师。我(是向他)学习道理啊,哪管他的生年比我早还是比我 晚呢?因此,无论(地位)高低贵贱,无论(年纪)大小,道理存在的(地方),就是老师所在的(地方)。

唉,(古代)从师(学习)的风尚不流传已经 很久了,要人没有疑惑就难了!古代的圣人,他们超出一般人很远,尚且(要)跟从老师请教;现在的一般人,他们(的才智)低于圣人很远,却以向老师学习为 耻。因此,圣人(就)更加圣明,愚人(就)更加愚昧。圣人之所以(能)成为圣人,愚人之所以成为愚人,(原因)大概都出在这里吧!

(人们) 爱他的孩子,(就)选择老师来教他。(但是)对他自己呢,却以跟从老师(学习)为可耻,(真是)糊涂啊!那些孩子们的老师,(是)教孩子们文字,(帮助他 们)学习断句的(老师),不是我所说的(能)传授那些(大)道理,解答那些(有关大道理的)疑难问题的(老师)。不理解(书本上的)字句,不能解决(大道 理的)疑难问题,有的(书本上的字句)向老师学习,有的(大道理的疑难)不向老师学习;小的方面(倒要)学习,大的方面(却反而)放弃(不学),我未能看 出那种人(是)明白(事理)的!巫医乐师和各种工匠,(他们)不以互相学习为耻。士大夫这一类(人),(一听到有人)称“老师”称“弟子”等等,就许多人 聚(在一块儿)讥笑人家。问他们(为什么讥笑),(他们)就说:“那个(人)同那个(人)(指老师和学生)年龄差不多,道德学问也差不多啊,(以)地位低 (的人为师),就可羞耻,(以)官职高(的人为师),就近乎谄媚!”唉!(古代那种)跟从老师(学习)的好风尚不能恢复,(从这些话里就)可以明白了。巫 医乐师和各种工匠,君子们认为(是)不值得一提的,现在君子们的见识竟反而比不上(他们),可真奇怪啊!

圣人没有固定的老师,孔子(曾)以 郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃为师,郯子这些人,他们的贤能(都)比不上孔子。孔子说:“三个人同行,(里面)一定有(可以当)我的老师(的人)。”因此,学生 不一定(永远)不如老师,老师不一定(样样都)比学生贤能,(老师和学生的区别只是)听到道理有的早有的迟,学问和技艺(各)有(各的)专长,(只是)如 此罢了。


How can we enable students to write well? 如何帮助孩子写好作文?

In the Singaporean context, essay writing in Mandarin takes two forms- 1) Picture description and 2) Topic-based exposition. The main problems which teachers have identified as the most common flaws in picture description are the lack of detailed observation, exclusion of important information, lack of focus and precise description, as well as the failure to demonstrate the use of imagination in writing. The role which a teacher has to play is to teach their students how to view the pictures in a logical and sequential progression, encourage them to use their imaginations to come up with a plausible story for the unfolding of events in the given fashion, spurring them to write in a more expressive manner and attempt to better their essay writing and thought processes through practice.


In Topical essay-writing, the problems most frequently encountered are essays which do not address the question, a lack of focus in writing, structural errors in sentence organization and unclear expressions. A recommended solution for these problems is to have the teacher come up with leading questions to direct the student’s train of thoughts along the relevant track, creating a positive class environment where students may focus on sorting out their thoughts and learning how to express themselves in a coherent and logical manner in the Chinese language. Teachers may direct the students’ focus to dealing with major points of interest in the assigned topics, which would help the students to come up with their topic sentences as the two elements are often correlated.


The main objective of Mandarin tuition is that students may not only think and write fluently in Mandarin, but also learn to love to speak and write in Mandarin. 让孩子们用华语思考,不但既会说,又会写,而且既爱说,有爱写,这就是补习作文的主要目标。

One-to-one tuition or group tuition, which is more suitable for my children?


One of the questions which parents ask most frequently is: “One-to one tuition or group tuition, which is more suitable for my children?”


Every child is different. Group tuition caters to a group of approximately 8 students each session and the syllabus is prepared with the objective of catering to the average learning capacity of the class; the progression of the class is based on what the teacher perceives as an appropriate pace for the group as a whole, thus it is not possible for every individual’s unique needs to be met in full.


In One-to-one tuition, the teacher pays close attention to the child’s personality and level of understanding, preparing a set of lessons best suited to the needs of the particular student. Lesson objectives and pace may be altered any time, in accordance to the rate of the student’s progress so as to ensure that each class is very focused and efficient.


In terms of physical environment, a typical group tuition class follows the traditional classroom setting, which makes it difficult for the students to be relaxed and in the best mental state to learn. They may find it difficult to communicate effectively with the teacher and may not receive personal care and attention.


In One-to One tuition, there is no barrier between the teacher and student. The child is given personal attention and feels more at ease in a private setting. As a result, it is easier for the student to relax and focus solely on learning, gaining confidence and motivation which makes the process of learning more enjoyable.


All factors considered, the benefits of One-to-one tuition far exceed that of Group tuition. However, if you would like to focus on developing a child’s picture description skills in composition or speaking, it may be beneficial for him/her to participate in Group tuition, where students may inspire each other through brainstorming and group discussions.
