Key Quotes

Quote #1

"I really believe that schools need to be open to listening to the voices of trans students of color within your schools and hearing what they need because everyone is going to need something different, and the most important thing is to listen and hear these stories, hear these experiences, and hear what these people need."

-- Kian, GLSEN's National Student Council Member, November 13, 2017

Quote #2

"Forcing me to stand now

I said, 'Mr. Preacherman, should we

love thy neighbor?

The laws of the land or the heart,

what's greater?

I recognize the study she was taught

since birth

But that don't justify the feelings that

my cousin preserved'

The building was thinking out loud,

bad angel

That's when you looked at me and

smiled, said, 'Thank you'

The day I chose humanity over


-- Kendrick Lamar, "Auntie Diaries," May 13, 2022

Quote #3

"Transgender should not be a scary word. No identity should ever be scary or weird or shameful. We, as people, need to come together. We need to celebrate diversity, but in doing so, we need to focus less on what makes us different and focus more on what makes us the same. Because under all of the beautiful layers of what makes us who we are is just a person, who wants to be loved and accepted as themselves."

-- Samuel Rae Bernstein, TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool, March 5, 2018