Helpful Resources


The educational resources listed below include various formats to best accommodate you, early adolescent educators. The purpose of these resources is to inform you about how to understand, support, and advocate for your transgender and gender non-conforming students. As it is crucial that transgender and gender non-conforming students feel included and that they belong in your classrooms. After reviewing these resources, you need to consider your current practices as middle school teachers and reflect on the areas you may be lacking in supporting this marginalized population. Following this, start adding and incorporating ideas proposed in these resources to your units and lessons, interactions with students, and classroom environments.

Click on the link above to receive six helpful suggestions from the organization GLAAD for early adolescent educators to make your classrooms more transgender and gender non-conforming friendly and inclusive.

Click on the link above to examine this excellent resource from the organization GLSEN, which includes crucial information for middle schools about supporting transgender and gender non-conforming educators and students via pronouns.

Click on the link above to listen to episode 39 of the Visions of Education podcast as the hosts, Dan and Michael, chat with guests Amber Briggle and Genevieve Ma'yet about supporting transgender and gender non-conforming students.

Click on the link above to review this insightful resource for educators created by the organization Learning for Justice that distinguishes the myths from facts when serving transgender and gender non-conforming students in middle schools.

Click on the link above to view an informational TED Talk by Kelly D. Holstine as she discusses how middle schools create safe and productive learning environments—through educators becoming advocates, not just allies for transgender and gender non-conforming students.