Please fill the Registration Template and send it with a copy of the bank transfer to

Conference Fees

Standard fee (registration by 15th July): 200 €

Standard fee (registration after 15th July): 250 €

Reduced fee – under 45 (registration by 15th July): 100 €

Reduced fee – under 45 (registration after 15th July): 150 €

Additional paper (€ 50 per paper)

Social dinner – 6th September (30 €)

Geodesign workshop – 7th September (50 € or free for registered person)

QGIS hackfest - Saturday 8 September- is free

Full conference fee includes: Attendance at all the Sessions, Conference Materials, Lunches and Coffees.

Please also note that: (1) All accepted papers will be published on TeMA Journal INPUT2018 Special Issue; (2) Registration fee is only for one participant. The conference certificate will be prepared and printed only for the person who pays the conference fee; (3) If co-authors submit only one paper and only one of these authors participate, only a fee for one participant must be paid; (4) An extra registration fee of € 50 per paper, will be charged for additional papers (registration fees will cover only the conference management costs).

Bank trasfer

Beneficiary: "DAFNE department"

Beneficiary address: "Via S. Camillo de Lellis snc, 01100 - Viterbo, Italy"

Bank branch: "Intesa Sanpaolo SPA, filiale 06763, Via I. Garbini, 61, 01100 - Viterbo"

IBAN number: "IT37 I030 6914 5001 0000 0300 012"

New Swift Code: "BCITITMM"

Reason of payment: "INPUT2018 registration, name of the participant"