Publishing policy

All accepted INPUT2018 papers will be published on a TeMA Journal special issue.

Additional proposals of Special Issues:

1) Sustainable Cities and Society. Virtual Special Issue on Performance-based urban planning to generate sustainable solutions for cities.

2) International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (to be defined).

Further publication of papers within defined research themes will be discussed during the conference.

Call for abstracts

The abstract submission deadline is 1st April 2018. (Deadline extended to 24th Aprile 2018)

Authors are invited to submit individual or collective contributions to any of the conference topics.

Download the INPUT2018 Abstract Template.

Abstract should be send to indicating in the email object “abstract INPUT2018 - main author - session”.

Selection of Abstracts will be based on a blind review process. After the blind review of the Abstracts an e-mail "Notification of acceptance" will be send to those accepted. If revisions are requested, the authors should include them in the full paper (extended abstract).

Authors are requested to submit full papers written in English and edited following the “TeMA Paper Template”; linguistic accuracy is your responsibility.

Call for papers

The full paper submission deadline is 10st July 2018.

Authors with abstract "Notification of acceptance" are requested to submit full papers written in English and edited following the “TeMA Paper Template”; linguistic accuracy is your responsibility.

Download the TeMA Paper Template.

All the papers should be submitted by the procedure of TeMA journal website.

Please also note that: (1) All accepted papers will be published on TeMA Journal INPUT2018 Special Issue; (2) If co-authors submit only one paper and only one of these authors participate, only a fee for one participant must be paid; (3) An extra registration fee of € 50 per paper, will be charged for additional papers (registration fees will cover only the conference management costs).