Prof. Dr. Joberto S. B. Martins - Project Coordinator

Professor at Salvador University (UNIFACS) and PhD in Computer Science at Université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC, Paris (1986). International Professor at HTW - Hochschule für Techknik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (Germany) since 2003, Senior Research Period at Université of Paris-Saclay in 2016, Salvador University head and researcher at NUPERC and IPQoS research groups on Resource Allocation Models, Software Defined Networking - OpenFlow, Smart Cities, Smart Grid, Cognitive Management and AI application. Previously worked as Invited Professor at Université Paris VI and Institut National des Télécommunications (INT) in France and as key speaker, teacher and invited lecturer in various international congresses and companies in Brazil, US and Europe.

Prof. Dr. Carlos Hernández Ulloa - UNAB Project Coordinator

Ingeniero Civil Informático. Universidad de Concepción. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Ciencias de la Computación, Inteligencia Artficial, Sistemas Multiagente, «Cum Laude». PostDoctorado en Intelligent Decision Making Lab (IDM-Lab) del Computer Science Department of Southern California (USC), Director Magíster en Ciencias de la Computación. Líneas de Investigación e intereses como Inteligencia Artificial, Estrategias de Búsqueda en Agentes e Sistemas Multiagente. An intelligent routing system based on data from real vehicles and, specifically, data of trucks for goods transport and AI planning methods.

Prof. Dr. Kiran Kumar Ravulakollu - UPES Project Coordinator

Dr Kiran Kumar Ravulakollu graduated in B Tech and went on to do M Sc in Artificial Intelligence from City University, London. He completed his doctoral studies (PhD) in Neurorobotics from University of Sunderland, United Kingdom. He has been working in University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, INDIA. He is also acting as Assistant Dean - Research in the school of Computer Science in UPES. His research interests lies in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks. His work is associated with smart technologies, assisted living and image processing. His work in the area of image processing of Devnagri text is exemplary.

Prof. Dr. Éldman de Oliveira Nunes

Professor at Salvador University (UNIFACS) and PhD and Master in Computer Science at Fluminense Federal University (UFF, Brazil). Post-doctoral research in image processing at Computer Science Department of Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC, Spain). Her research interests include Computer Vision, Image Processing and Computer Intelligence.

Prof. Dr. Billy Mark Peralta Marquez

Research Professor at Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB, Chile) and PhD and Ms in Computer Science at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC, Chile) - 2013. My research lines are Machine learning, Computer Vision, Probabilistic Graphical Models and Deep Learning. I am specifically interested in Artificial Intelligence applications to routing system based on data and pollution forecasting.

MSc. Pedro Francesco Moraes

MSc. in Computer Science by PPGCOMP/ Salvador University - UNIFACS and bachelor in Informatics by UNIFACS. Has interest in computer networks topics like Publish/ Subscribe, Network Management, Bandwidth Allocation Model and Information-Centric Networks.

Adriano Leal Spínola

MSc. student in Computer Science at PPGCOMP/ Salvador University - UNIFACS. Graduated in Computer Science by Salvador University - UNIFACS. Adriano participates at UNIFACS IPQoS research group and her research interests include Pub/Sub, SDN/OpenFlow, Cognitive Management and Machine Learning applications.

Yanny Dórea Moscovits

MSc. student in Computer Science at PPGCOMP/ Salvador University - UNIFACS. Graduated in Computer Networks (Faculdade Pitágoras de Imperatriz). Yanny participates at UNIFACS IPQoS research group and her research interests include Smart Grid, Cognitive Management and Machine Learning applications.

MSc. Carlos Eduardo Arruda de Souza

MSc. in Computer Science at PPGCOMP/ Salvador University - UNIFACS and bachelor in Informatics by UNIFACS. Has interest in computer networks topics like Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Publish/ Subscribe, Network Management, Bandwidth Allocation Model and Information-Centric Networks.