"Already tried. Already failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better"

Samuel Beckett

formal education

informal education

I am ready to learn all the time. Sometimes I am autodidact. Most of the time, I learn from others. 

After self-teaching how to swim butterfly style, I became a swimming instructor by the Federación Española de Natación.  I took bookbinding classes in Ann Arbor (Michigan).  I have learned about socio political issues at Escuela de Formación Socio Política del Instituto Social Obrero del Arzobispado de Valencia (Spain), and at Zentrum für internationale Bildung und Kulturaustausch (Bonn, Germany). I have learned about measuring and modeling dynamics in innovation systems in a summer school at the University of Utrecht (Holland). During my summer holidays in 2010, I enrolled in a course for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. I have tried to learn Arabic. 

My most recent learning challenge: I have been taking flamenco dance classes for a couple of years at Centro de Danza Rocío Giner, and I have recently started to learn how to play castañuelas, and to dance danza española.  So far, I have had three great dance instructors (and persons): Rocío Giner, Paula Sebastián (Marea Danza), and Ana Lloris

What will be next?  Who knows?  Actually, I have no reason to stop learning new things!

Master's graduation day (2 May 2014) with my dear friend Aisha.
University of Michigan.

PhD defense (18 September 2020).
Universitat Politècnica de València.