
Varicoseal Varicose Veins Abnormal vaginal malformation is on the top of the male testicles. The statistics released on the disease indicate that the disease is rare in people under the age of ten.

Of the twenty newly matured, three people are infected with this disease, and in men who are infertile, more than 10 in every two or four people are infected.

Someone who has already had a baby and now can not have children is called secondary infertility, and it is interesting that the risk of varicoceles in these people is very high, and of every 10 people, seven of them have been infected.

The disease causes 90% of the testicular leukemia and affects both the testicles in 10% of the remaining. This disease has different types that do not affect sperm, but varicocele can reduce sperm and weaken it. Symptoms Varicocele

This disease can not show symptoms and can be accompanied by pain.

Feeling painful and recognizable or painful pain that you do not know exactly where.

Increased pain by standing up and exercising.

Increase pain throughout the day.

When you lie back, the pain gets less.

Feeling a mass on one of the testicles

Feeling tensile and heavy in the testicles.

In the testicle's sack, wounds and swollen veins that look like worms are seen.

Without feeling pain, the testicular bag becomes swollen and highlighted.

See a change in the size of the testicle

Probabilistic problems in fertility

Reduce the quality and quantity of sperm

Varicocele types

The disease is seen in four types, which are referred to below.

Grade 1, which is the type of illness when you force it, the veins are palpable and this type of illness is the lightest type.

Grade 2, which is palpable in this type of vein disease and this phase of the first stage is more intense.

Grade 3 is the most severe type of disease and can be seen with the presence of veins, and this stage is the most severe and severe type of disease.

A type of disease called subclinical varicocele that can not be detected by examination, and ultrasound is required to diagnose this condition.

Varicocele treatment

It is a benign condition but unfortunately there is no medication and you should have surgery to treat it. For surgery and type of surgery, you should consider such things as the severity of the disease and the patient's smell and the marital status. pay attention.

If the disease is Grade 2 and 3 disease and is referred for treatment of infertility, surgery for varicoclakemia is the way to treat the disease.

Microsurgery surgery is the best and least risky way of treating the disease, which in this way can be blocked by the microscopy of the elliptic veins and does not allow the water to accumulate in the testicles.

Surgery methods

The first method: the microscopic inguinal method can be used as a golden method in the treatment of this disease, which is done by a microscope and a small incision at the bottom of the abdomen near the outside of the root of the penis. This method is considered to be an artery And the lymph vessels and nerve do not harm, and the probability of a patient's relapse is very low, less than two percent.

The second method is the name of the inguinal method, which is similar to the first surgical procedure but does not use a microscope and its complications are more than the previous one. The recurrence rate is between nine and sixteen percent and the probability of hydrocele is between 3% and 40% .

Method III: The name of this surgical procedure is retroperitoneal, which is performed with a shear above the previous method, and this is a larger cut. The probability of a recurrence of the disease in this case is 11 to 15 percent, and 78 percent of the hydrocele may occur.

Fourth method: In this method, they use a laparoscope that creates three holes in the abdomen and sends gas into the abdomen so that there is enough room for it to work. It is possible that in this method, large vessels, intestines and bladders, and ... Damage that this damage is not so prevalent and in principle there is no such problem.

Fifth method: Another method of surgical embolization is a surgical procedure that is transmitted through the interstices of the patient's trachea in the form of topical blood clots or other things into the lung. This method is a special value and should be done by the radiologist. It is possible to relapse 4 to 11 percent. If the varicoceles are surgically resuscitated more than twice, this procedure is recommended for subsequent surgery.

Varicocele and infertility

This disease is very common in young men and this disease does not lead to blood drainage in the testicle and the temperature of the body goes up. Among the common complications of this disease, we can point out hormonal disorders and the inability to spermatozoa. Gradually infertile.

Infertility in men is such that if a man's sperm is lower in standard terms, they say he is infertile. According to published statistics of every 20 couples in the world, the three couples have infertility problems.

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