Предварительный вариант отчёта 2016


All-Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI) (Saint-Petersburg)

Leonid R. Kolbantsev held consultations and participated in the Exhibition ‘In search of gold in Siberia’ (‘Guld I Sibirien’) opening ceremony in the Nordic countries Cultural Center, Helsinki. The exhibition was dedicated to the history of the Finnish geological expedition to the Uryankhay region (now – the Republic of Tyva) in 1917, led by a Russian-Finnish geologist Jakob Sederholm and his Swedish colleague Helge Backlund.

Articles in journals & books

Kolbantsev, L.R. 2016. Geological and mining symbols in the heraldry of Russian city. Proceedings of the 13th International Erbe Symposium. The Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica. 126-132.

Kolbantsev, L.R. 2015. Konikov Alexander Zalmanovich; Tolmachov Innokenty Pavlovich (1872-1950). Researchers of the Central Siberia subsoil. Krasnoyarsk. 10, 151, 259. (in Russian).

Conference presentations

Kolbantsev, L.R. I. Cambrian System in Siberia – discovery ‘at a desk’ (co-author A.Z. Konnikov); II. Materials on South Africa geology in the Academician Th.N. Tschernyschew Central Research Geological Prospecting Museum, St.-Petersburg” (co-authrors O.V. Petrov and A.R. Sokolov). (35th IGC. Cape Town, South Africa. 2016. 41st INHIGEO Symposium).

Kolbantsev, L.R. Formation of a fund for material geological information for ensuring state geological study of the Russian Federation and its continental shelf territory. (8th All-Russian Congress of Geologists. Moscow. October, 2016).

Kolbantsev, L.R. Mineralogical material in the Central Research Geological Prospecting Museum geological collections. (International scientific conference to the 300th anniversary of academician A.E. Fersman. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, RAS. Moscow. November, 2016).

Kolbantsev, L.R. The light and shadows of jubilee photographs: from the Russian Geological Committee history. (37th Annual international conference of the St.- Petersburg Branch of the Russian National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, RAS. December, 2016).

Andrei V. Lapo participated in the organization of the Exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of a Russian paleontologist A.G. Vologdin at the All-Russian Geological Library in Saint-Petersburg.

Articles in journals & books

Lapo, A.V. 2016. The Prophet in his own country. Regional Geology and Metallogeny. 65. 116-119. (in Russian)

Lapo, A.V. 2016. The echo of the Krasnoyarsk geologist’s case. Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia. 4. 24. 101-103. (in Russian)

Snigirevsky, S.M., Lapo, A.V., Oshurkova, M.V. et al. 2016. In memoriam: Natalia Sergeevna Snigirevskaya: [Obituary]. Botanic Journal. 101. 9. 1089-1093. (in Russian)

Chuvash State University (Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russia)

Gennady F. Trifonov was a participant of the 35th session of the International Congress in Cape Town, South Africa and read a paper ‘Discussions and their role in the development of geological sciences’. (41st INHIGEO Symposium).

N.M. Fedorovsky All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources (Moscow)

As a Deputy Director Igor G. Pechenkin was an organizer of the 31st Scientific Conference dedicated to the memory of Anatoly (Nathan) I. Ginzburg (1917-1984) and the Centenary of the Arshinov’s Institute library foundation (Moscow. March, 2016).

Pechenkin is the head of the Geological Section of the Central House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (founded in 1922). The Section had four meetings in 2016:

February 17 – ‘Sergey Vladimirovich Obruchev’; a meeting to the 125th anniversary of the famous Soviet geoscientist, a son of Vladimir A. Obruchev.

March 16 – ‘The tombstone of Timur’: a historical and geological etude (Pechenkin).

October 12 – ‘Academician A.E. Fersman – little known pages of biography’

  • Игорь Гертрудович! Обратите внимание на списки публикаций и презентаций. Не вся полученная от Вас информация была на английском языке.

Articles in journals & books

Pechenkin, I.G. et al. 2016. The role of the All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources in the creation of the Russian source of minerals. Prospect and Protection of Mineral Resources. 5. 6-9 (in Russian).

Pechenkin, I.G. et al. 2016. The making of petrurgy in the USSR (1920s-1940s). Essays of the History of Science and Technology. 2. 251-268. (in Russian).

Bastrikov, Yu.L. Pechenkin, I.G. 2016. The way to home uranium: to the history of uranium prospecting. ANRY (Apparatus & News of Radioactive Measurements). 2. 65-70. (in Russian).

Pechenkin, I.G. 2016. The routes of N.M. Fedorovsky in Central Asia: to 130 years of his birthday. Noosphere. 2. 157-166. (in Russian).

Pechenkin, I.G. 2016. V.A. Zilbermintz – the founder of coal geochemistry. Noosphere. 2. 167-171. (in Russian).

Conference presentations

Pechenkin, I.G. At the origins of stratal-infiltration uranium ore formation theory. (All-Russian conference ‘Geochemistry of landscapes’ to the 100th anniversary of A.I. Perel’man. Moscow. October, 2016). URL

Pechenkin, I.G. Studies of ancient soils in arid and steppe regions; applied value of results. (International seminar ‘Scientific heritage of Vasily V. Dokuchaev: tradition and development of ideas’ to his 170th anniversary. May, 2016).

Pechenkin, I.G. The tombstone of Timur. (32nd annual conference of the Institute for Science and Technology by S.I. Vavilov, RAS[*] to the 125th anniversary of S.I. Vavilov. Moscow. Match-April, 2016).

Pechenkin, I.G. Brief history of the All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources in its library stamps: to 100 years of the Institute library foundation. (31st Ginzburg Readings. Moscow. March, 2016).

Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Department for the History of Geology

Irena G. Malakhova and Ivan P. Vtorov worked under the RAS plan of fundamental studies titled ‘Information System History of Geology & Mining’ (since 2010). http://scirus.benran.ru/higeo/

Content: persons (676), documents (527), bibliographies (572), institutions (353), photographs (908).

In 2016, we were involved in organization of the special meeting at the Geological Institute. Academician Yuri M. Puscharovsky celebrated his centenary on the 31st of December, 2016. Puscharovsky is a Russian geologist well known with works on regional tectonics and the Pacific. He is a ‘live history’ of our Institute. Thanks to his close relations with Vladimir V. Tikhomirov a lot of documents, memoirs and photos of Puscharovsky were carefully kept in our Department, digitalized now and used for the slide show (arranged with music) at the jubilee meeting. (available on YouTube https://youtu.be/hB3xSKnA2TA ).

Malakhova was delegated to the 8th All-Russian Congress of Geologists (Moscow. October, 2016).

P.S. Three sessions of the Congress: 1922 – Petrograd; 1926 – Kiev; 1928 – Tashkent. The 4th session was hold only in 2000 (Saint-Petersburg).

Vtorov had a private trip to the Kola Peninsula and visited the Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, museums and historical sites.

He was responsible for the compilation of the list ‘Significant dates_2017’ (Web site of the Geological Institute). http://www.ginras.ru/struct/19/9/daty2017.php).

Malakhova and Vtorov placed new publications, descriptions and pictures of minerals (the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences) in the “Digital Library Scientific Heritage of Russia”. http://e-heritage.ru/index.html

The Russian INHIGEO members can now get information, did comments and discuss on the new Web-site (Malakhova – an editor, Vtorov – an adminstrator).


Articles in journals & books (Malakhova & Vtorov)

Malakhova, I.G. 2016. N.P. Yushkin: short meetings – long memory. Academician Nickolay Pavlovich Yushkin: to the 80th anniversary. Institute of geology, Komi Science Centre, RAS, Syktyvkar. 85-88. (in Russian).

Vtorov, I.P. 2016. Soil as a museum exhibit in Russia. Proceedings of the 13th International Erbe Symposium. The Slovak Mining Museum, Banská Štiavnica. 237-241.

Conference presentations

Malakhova, I.G. Keeping the geological scientific heritage: information resources. (8th All-Russian Congress of Geologists. Moscow. October, 2016).

Malakhova, I.G. Museum collections as a part of the Digital Library ‘Scientific Heritage of Russia’. (International scientific conference to the 300th anniversary of academician A.E. Fersman. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, RAS. Moscow. November, 2016).

Kalenov, N.E. & Malakhova, I.G. The Information System ‘History of Geology and Mining’ as an example of the heterogeneous resources integration. (20th scientific conference ‘Information for science: new technologies’. Yekaterinburg. 2016).

Malakhova, I.G. The Russian trace of Hans Stille. (Leibniz Sozietät. Kolloquium ‘Hans Stille (1876-1966) – deutscher Geologe mit Weltruf, akademischer Lehrer an den Universitäten Göttingen und Berlin, Funktionsträger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin in schwierigen Zeiten’. Berlin. Oktober, 2016. URL

Malakhova, I.G., Vtorov, I.P., Bryanchaninova, N.I. Information resources in geology: geoscientists, publications, museum collections. (31st Ginzburg Readings. Moscow. March, 2016).

Vtorov, I.P. Museum information in the Digital Library ‘Scientific Heritage of Russia’: methods of displaying. (International scientific conference to the 300th anniversary of academician A.E. Fersman. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, RAS. Moscow. November, 2016).

Vtorov, I.P. The first interpretations of Dokuchaev’s concepts abroad. (International seminar ‘Scientific heritage of Vasily V. Dokuchaev: tradition and development of ideas’ to his 170th anniversary. May, 2016).

Geological Institute, Kola Science Centre (Apatity), Russian Academy of Sciences

Yuri L. Voytekhovsky

  • Юрий Леонидович! Прошу дополнить этот раздел информацией об организации Вами научных мероприятий в Апатитах. К сожалению, сайт Вашего Института недоступен, и я не могу снять информацию.

  • И посмотрите внимательно список публикаций и презентаций, так как информация была только на русском языке.

Four issues of the journal Tietta (Voytekhovsky – the editor-in-chief) were published in 2016. The Journal has an open access at the Web-site of the Geological institute, Apatity.

  • web-address ?

Articles in journals & books

Voytekhovsky, Yu. L. 2016. Academic science and development of the Kola North’s economy. Bull. Komi Science Centre, RAS. 31. 38-40. (in Russian).

Voytekhovsky, Yu. L., Stepenschikov, D.G. 2016. Vertex and edge truncations of simple closed forms: to the 280th anniversary of J.-B. Romé de Lisle and the 80th anniversary of N.P. Yushkin. Bull. Institute of Geology. Komi Science Centre, RAS.5. С. 32-37. (in Russian).

Conference presentations

Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. I. A problem of J.-B. Romé de Lisle: to his 280th anniversary; II. Academician N.P. Yushkin and the entropy of thinking; III. On the history of Khibiny mines in 1930s (with co-authors); IV. Significant dates 2016. (13th All-Russian, with international participation, Fersman session. Apatity. April, 2016).

Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. I. Mineral resources of the Kola Peninsula: old problems & new accents; II. Perspectives of small geological and mining enterprises. (8th scientific and practical conference ‘The North & the Arctic in a new world development paradigm’. Apatity. April, 2016).

Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. Modal analysis of rocks under microscope: history, present-day, perspectives. (11th Russian seminar ‘Results of interdisciplinary studies in the technological mineralogy’. Saint-Petersburg. September, 2016).

Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. The Murmansk railway as a requisite of the Khibiny region development: 100 years since construction. (Scientific and practical conference ‘Small homeland – the history of my country’ to the 50 years of Apatity and 85 years of Kirovsk. Kirovsk. October, 2016).

Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. Science and innovations in prospecting, mining and processing of ore deposits. (6th International conference ‘Mining industry in the Barents Euro-Arctic region: view to the future’, IMIC BEAR-2016. Kirovsk. November, 2016)

Voytekhovsky, Yu.L. To the 100th anniversary of A.V. Sidorenko’s birthday. (Fedorov’s session. Saint-Petersburg. October, 2016).

Vernadsky State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

Zoya A. Bessudnova

Articles in journals & books

Bessudnova, Z.A. 2016. The 105th anniversary from the birth of Alexander Leonidovich Yanshin. National Geology. 2. 83-86. (in Russian)

Bessudnova, Z.A. 2016. The first Russian monograph on the history of geology by Grigory E. Shchurovsky, Professor of Moscow University: on the 150th anniversary of the publication. GSL Special Publ. 442. online published. doi:10.1144/SP442.31

Conference presentations

Starodubtseva I., Bessudnova Z., Pukhonto, S. Founding members of the Russian Paleontological Society: the Pavlov’s geological school (with co-authors); II. Women are founding members of the Russian Paleontological Society. Maria Vasilievna Pavlova (1854-1938). (47th session of the Paleontological Society, RAS & 100th anniversary of the Russian Paleontological Society: Problems and prospects of paleontological research. St.-Petersburg).

Bessudnova, Z.A. et al. Historical collections in the expositions of the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (3rd All-Russian Scientific Conference on the memory of Prof. Vitaly Ochev. Saratov. September, 2016).

Bessudnova, Z.A. The first century of the Natural History Museum of the Moscow University: traditions of philanthropy, fate of collections, history of science. (Conference dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the Scientific Research Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University. Moscow. October, 2016). (an invited speaker).

Elena L. Minina

Articles in journals & books

Minina, E.L. 2016. Mineralogical collection and its creators. Priroda. 1. 88-96. (in Russian)

Conference presentations

Minina, E.L. The mineralogical collection of L.P. Prokhorova (the early 20th century). (International scientific conference to the 300th anniversary of academician A.E. Fersman. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, RAS. Moscow. November, 2016).

[*] Here and below RAS – Russian Academy of Sciences
