Informatics section

Dept. of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences (MIGe)

Welcome to the website of the Informatics section of the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences (MIGe) of the University of Trieste.

Our section was established in 2023 and joined the two other units of MIGe: Mathematics and Geosciences. We are a vibrant and diverse team of informaticians, mathematicians, physicists, engineers and statisticians dedicated to advancing computer science at large. In the most recent years, much of our research activity has increasingly focused on the broad fields of machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence, both at the level of theoretical models and algorithms, as well as on their practical applications. 

In these pages we provide information on the group of professors, researchers, postdoctoral scientists and PhD students that constitute the Informatics section, as well as on our organisation of research groups and training at the Bachelor, Master and PhD level.


We are 2 full professors, 2 associate professors, 4 tenure-track researchers, 3 fixed-term researchers and more than 70 PhD students organised into multiple research groups. 

We offer teaching in 1 Bachelor, 2 Master and 1 PhD program in the broad areas of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.


We delve deep into the abstract world of algorithms and computational models to understand and develop the underlying principles that make computer science tools possible and efficient.

At the same time, we believe in the power of theory to solve real-world problems and apply our techniques to diverse fields such as healthcare, finance and environmental science, demonstrating the tangible impact of our research.


Postal address
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences (MIGe)University of Trieste, Italy.
Via A. Valerio 12/1,  34127, Trieste,  Italy.   
Office space
  • Third floor of the H2bis building
  • Third floor of the C5 building