Writing & Thoughts

TEDxMMCOE talk on Climate Change Adaptation

In February, 2021, I gave a virtual TEDx talk at the Marathwada Mitramandal College of Engineering, Pune.

The bottom line: Climate change is here to stay, it will affect us all, but it is also an opportunity to reimagine our world!

Speech on Math Education

Here is my UC Berkeley Mathematics Department Valedictorian speech from 2015, where I talk about the need to make math more accessible and to allow young minds to engage with the creativity of math.

The Civil Tactician

In 2017, I got interested in learning about the development of Mahatma Gandhi as a political leader. After doing several months of historical research in the depths of Stanford's libraries, I wrote a blog called The Civil Tactician which aimed to go beyond the myth of Gandhi and learn about his mix moral, political, and operational calculations.

Check out the 4-part series How Gandhi Became Gandhi, about his politically formative years in apartheid South Africa.

- Dandi March Statue

Chollas Creek. Credits: Groundwork San Diego.

Blog post on Trashtography

Authors: Kristen Hurst, Carly Ellis, Kirsten Skadberg, Indraneel Kasmalkar

This is the story of how my amazing team worked with elementary school students in South-east San Diego in 2019 to measure the amount of trash in the Chollas Creek that ran through their neighborhood.


Every once in a while, I get a jolt of creativity and write some poetry. Check it out on Medium.

My favorite one is the Haiku, 

An Ode to the Preacher of Numbers.