
Over 90% of Indigenous youth aged 15-24 feel good about their Indigenous identity (Statistics Canada, 2021).

Therefore, a solution to the problem is to create this not-for-profit venture:

  • a set of online science learning resources specifically for Indigenous K-12 learners in Alberta

  • providing positive role models for students


The online resource will include sections for both teachers and students.

For Teachers:

  • "How to" section with guidelines for how to use the resource with their science classes and correlations with curriculum

  • information to educate teachers on various topics such as protocol, reconciliation, or history, as well as science-specific topics

  • ability to assign certain activities or games in LMS platforms like Google Classroom

For Students:

This will be the major focus of the resource.

  • Interactive science learning activities

  • Educational science games

  • Educational material about topics such as history, reconciliation, or protocol where appropriate

Sample learning activities

  • learning about plant structures and lifecycles by taking a virtual nature walk with an elder

  • exploring sustainable fish harvesting practices

  • learning about chemistry through traditional medicinal plants

  • learning about trajectory from an Indigenous bow hunter