Call For Papers

Call For Papers (CFP)

The Conference aims to provide an active platform for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the fields of interest which fall under the scope of IEEE. Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard IEEE conference template describing new theoretical and/or experimental research results in the following tracks (but are not limited to): 

Technical Tracks

Track1: AI and Data Science

Track2: Security and Privacy

Track3: Data and Software Engineering

Track4: Machine Intelligence systems and Technologies

Track5: Next Generation Computing and Applications

Track6: Robotics and Cybernetics

Track7: Devices Circuits and Systems

Track8: Control, Instrumentation, Signal Processing and Multimedia

Track9: Antenna, Microwave Techniques, Communications, Networks and IoT

Track10: VLSI and Nanotechnology

Track11: Power, Energy and Power Electronics

Track12: Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies

Track13: Smart & Sustainable, Energy Solutions

Track14: Education Technologies

Track15: Women in Engineering 

Papers Submission Link

Active researchers are requested to submit their original research papers in IEEE format through 

Paper Specifications

Note: Deviations from the above paper specifications will result in rejection of your submission.

Final Submission Procedures

MANDATORY: You must pay for conference registration BEFORE you will be allowed to upload your final paper. You will need your registration code in order to proceed.

Prospective authors are requested to submit full length paper no longer than six (6) pages. The paper must clearly state the objectives of the work, its significance in the advancement of scientific and technical knowledge. The template concerning the paper is available at 

CFP Poster Specifications

Author policies

Additional Requirements

If your paper is accepted for publication at this conference, you will also need to adhere to the following requirements: