

Dr. Greg Welch, University of Central Florida

Dr. Stevie Carnell, University of Central Florida

Dr. Gerd Bruder, University of Central Florida


Dr. Jeanine Stefanucci, University of Utah

Dr. Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn, University of Georgia

Dr. Valerie Taylor, Lehigh University

Dr. Tabitha Peck, Davidson College

Dr. Jeremy Bailenson, Stanford University

Dr Greg Welch against a green backdrop, smiling

Dr. Greg Welch

University of Central Florida

Dr. Welch is a Pegasus Professor and the AdventHealth Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation at the University of Central Florida. He is the Co-Director of the UCF Synthetic Reality Lab (SREAL). His research interests include human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality, and multidisciplinary applications. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors, an ACM SIGGRAPH Pioneer, and a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Dr Stevie Carnell, standing against a wall of flowers, smiling

Dr. Stevie Carnell

University of Central Florida

Dr. Carnell is a Computer Science Post Doctoral Scholar in the Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab at the University of Central Florida. She studies how people communicate with virtual humans and in XR, more generally. Further, she is particularly interested in how XR developers can develop diverse virtual humans in an inclusive manner.

Dr Gerd Bruder, smiling

Dr. Gerd Bruder

University of Central Florida

Dr. Bruder is a Research Associate Professor for virtual and augmented reality at the Institute for Simulation and Training at the University of Central Florida. His research interests include human-computer interaction, perception and cognition, social presence, and 3D user interfaces.

Dr Jeanine Stefannuci, smiling

Dr. Jeanine Stefanucci

University of Utah

Dr. Stefanucci is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Utah. She is co-Director of the Visual Perception and Spatial Cognition Laboratory. Her research investigates how and whether emotional, physiological, and physical states of the body have an influence on how we see, think about, and navigate our environments. She conducts this research in indoor and outdoor settings as well as in virtual environments (both immersive and desktop).

Dr Sun Joo Ahn, smiling

Dr. Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn

University of Georgia

Dr. Ahn is an Associate Professor in the Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She is the Director of the Games and Virtual Environments Lab. Her main program of research investigates how immersive and interactive digital media transform traditional rules of communication and social interactions, looking at how virtual experiences shape the way that people think, feel, and behave in the physical world.

Dr Valerie Taylor, smiling

Dr. Valerie Taylor

Lehigh University

Dr. Taylor is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Lehigh University. She is an experimental social psychologist, and she holds a joint appointment in the Africana Studies Program at Lehigh University. Her research areas include social identity threat, intergroup contact, stereotyping and discrimination, cultural psychology, and applications of emerging technologies in the study of intergroup relations.

Dr Tabitha Peck

Dr. Tabita Peck

Davidson College

Dr. Peck is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Davidson College and director of the Davidson Research in Immersive Virtual Environments (DRIVE) Lab. One of her passions is making computer science accessible for all students. Both her teaching practices and research focus on minimizing biases and stereotype threats that currently harm underrepresented minorities and women in STEM disciplines.

Dr Jeremy Bailenson

Dr. Jeremy Bailenson

Stanford University

Dr. Bailenson is the Thomas More Storke Professor in the Department of Communication at Stanford University. He is the founding Director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab. He studies the psychology of Virtual and Augmented Reality, in particular how virtual experiences lead to changes in perceptions of self and others. His lab builds and studies systems that allow people to meet in virtual space, and explores the changes in the nature of social interaction.