E. Collins-Woodfin, I. Seroussi, B. García Malaxechebarría, A. W Mackenzie, E. Paquette, C. Paquette “The High Line: Exact Risk and Learning Rate Curves of Stochastic Adaptive Learning Rate Algorithms” arXiv:2405.19585 (2024) (NeurIPS 2024)
N. Rubin, Z. Ringel, I. Seroussi, Moritz Helias “A Unified Approach to Feature Learning in Bayesian Neural Networks” High-dimensional Learning Dynamics 2024: The Emergence of Structure and Reasoning (ICML 2024) DOI
I. Seroussi, A. Miron, Z. Ringel, “Spectral-Bias and Kernel-Task Alignment in Physically Informed Neural Networks” Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5.3 (2024): 035048 arXiv
X. Wang, I. Seroussi, F. Lu, “Minimax Convergence Rate of Learning Interaction Kernels”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16852 (2023) arXiv
N. Rubin, I. Seroussi, Z. Ringel, “Grokking as a First Order Phase Transition in Two Layer Networks” arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.03789 (2023) arXiv, ICLR 2024
E. Collins-Woodfin, C. Paquette, E. Paquette, and I. Seroussi. “Hitting the high-dimensional notes: An ode for SGD learning dynamics on GLMs and multi-index models.” Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 13(4):iaae028, 2024, arXiv
I. Seroussi, AA. Alemi, M. Helias, Z. Ringel “Speed Limit for Deep Learning” arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14653 (2023) arXiv
I. Seroussi, G. Naveh, Z. Ringel, “Separation of Scales and a Thermodynamic Description of Feature Learning in Some CNNs.” Nature Communications, 14(1), p.908 (2023) DOI, arXiv
I. Seroussi, O. Zeitouni, “Lower Bounds on the Generalization Error of Nonlinear Learning Models” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2022) DOI, arXiv
C. Cosco, I. Seroussi, O. Zeitouni, “Directed polymers on infinite graphs”. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1-38 (2021).DOI, arXiv
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I. Seroussi, N. Levy, D. Paolotti, N. Sochen, E. Yom-Tov, “Revealing the Dynamics of Influenza Strains in Europe Using a Data-Quality Sensitive Lagrangian Framework” arXiv
I. Seroussi, N. Levy, E. Yom-Tov, “Multi-Season Analysis Reveals the Spatial Structure of Disease Spread” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2020): 124425 DOI, arXiv
I. Seroussi, N. Sochen, “Spectral Analysis of a Non-Equilibrium Stochastic Dynamics on a General Network”, Scientific Reports 8 (1), 14333 DOI
D. Anaby, D. Morozov, I. Seroussi, S. Hametner, N. Sochen, Y. Cohen, “Axon Diameter Distribution Mapping in Fixed Spinal Cord from Single and Double Diffusion Encoding MRI”, NMR in Biomedicine 32 (12), e4170e, DOI
I. Seroussi, D. S. Grebenkov, O. Pasternak, N. Sochen, “Microscopic Interpretation and Generalization of the Bloch-Torrey Equations for Diffusion MR”, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 277 (2017): 95-103, DOI
I. Seroussi, E. Berg, Y. Oreg, “Topological Superconducting Phases of Weakly Coupled Quantum Wires”, Physical Review B 89, (2014) 104523, DOI
I. Seroussi, D. Veikherman, N. Ofer, S. Yehudai-resheff, K. Keren, “Segmentation and Tracking of Live cells in Phase‐Contrast images Using Directional Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes”, Journal of Microscopy 247.2 (2012): 137-146, DOI.