Restore: Soil

Let's Talk Trash

RESTORE: Soil - Let's Talk Trash

What will students learn?

Students will learn about the benefits of composting. They will learn about the composting process and how it connects to digestion. They will keep vermicomposting bins in the classroom and collect food waste from the cafeteria to do large scale composting outside. They will collect data related to composting and the processes involved. They will learn about the chemistry related to composting (Nitrogren and Carbon) as well as the decomposition process.

SC State Science Standards:

7.L.3A.2 Analyze and interpret data from observations to describe different types of cells and classify cells as plant, animal, protist, or bacteria.

7.L.3A.4 Construct scientific arguments to support claims that bacteria are both helpful and harmful to other organisms and the environment.

7.EC.5A.2 Construct explanations of how soil quality (including composition, texture, particle size, permeability, and pH) affects the characteristics of an ecosystem using evidence from soil profiles.

7.EC.5B.2 Develop and use models (food webs and energy pyramids) to exemplify how the transfer of energy in an ecosystem supports the concept that energy is conserved.

What will students do?

Students will implements and manage compositing from cafeteria waste. They will also keep vermicomposting bins in the classroom and conduct small scale experiments using their vermi bins. They will research about the benefits of composting and the composting process. They will collect data related to composting and the processes involved. They will convert their learning into educational materials to share with others students at IMS as well as the community during a spring recycling day.

How will students teach others?

Students will create information posters and electronic presentations for the cafeteria teaching other students about composting and educating them about what to put in the bins each collection day. They will also write how-to brochures for composting to share with the public and educate others at a recycling day in the spring.