Conserve: Recycle Recycling Team

CONSERVE & Recycle - Recycling Team

What will students learn?

Through advisory classes, students will learn how to recycle at a school level. Students will also learn the importance of recycling as stewards of the Earth. In advisory, students learn how to become agents of change in their local communities as well as realizing their impact at the global level. While there are not state specific standards to address the lessons learned in advisory, they do connect to our school's core practices and learning design principles.

What will students do?

Students will collect, sort and recycle items from all over the school on a weekly basis. Students will have regularly scheduled pick up locations and be solely responsible for those locations. Keeping specific locations helps the students take ownership and responsibility for that teacher and group of students. Through this ownership, the student can help lead the smaller group in terms of what can and cannot be recycled.

How will students teach others?

Students will create posters and signs to be placed around the school describing what can and cannot be recycled. Students will also post other signs around the school encouraging fellow classmates to keep our campus tidy and reduce litter. This year, we plan to invite Janice Allen to come speak with a few advisory classes about the dirty dozen. Based on this experience, we plan to have our students create literature to share with parents about what can and cannot be recycled through home collection. Our PTSO will be planning a spring parent night in which students will distribute this information.