I.M.P.A.C.T. for Schools


I.M.P.A.C.T. for Schools


State High School “Caterina Percoto” hosts approximately 1200 students coming from Udine and the surrounding areas. Innovative didactic activities are always offered, but the educational needs registered in the analysis of the Institute Self Assessment Report (R.A.V.) 2017/2018 focus on an increasing demand for IT, foreign languages skills, internationalizing experiences.

High School “C. Percoto” decides, therefore, to candidate the project “I.M.P.A.C.T. – mobility action to iMprove ProfessionAl Competences of school education sTaff” to address these needs through transnational training paths of 17 days involving 24 participants.

The mobility plan is the following:

- 4 Mobilities to Belgium: Structured Course “European Citizenship”;

- 10 Mobilities to Finland: Structured Course “Digital and IT Tools for School Management and Communication”; Structured Course and Job shadowing “Digital and Science Competencies in Didatics”; Structured Course and Job shadowing “Music Teaching Techniques”

- 2 Mobilities to France: Structured Course “CLIL: methodologies and tools for the linguistic enhancement”;

- 4 Mobilities to Ireland: Structured Course “CLIL: methodologies and tools for the linguistic enhancement”;

- 4 Mobilities to Germany: Job Shadowing experience on innovative didactics as Flipped Classroom and Debate.

Specific objectives of the project are:

• to enhance skills in school management through the use of ICT

• to boost teachers' competences in active, inclusive, innovative and laboratory teaching to develop and implement curricular and extra-curricular activities

• to improve teachers' digital skills in order to enhance the use of ICT in educational pathways

• to promote teachers' competences in CLIL

• to develop teachers’ awareness of European Citizenship and assessment

The project “I.M.P.A.C.T.” will produce the following significant effects on the high school “C. Percoto”:

• increase the number of CLIL methodology courses activated both in French and in English

• increase of workshop activities in didactics

• implement flipped classroom and Debate methodologies

• activate new methodologies in the Music School Department

• develop a more comprehensive assessment system following the EU recommendations for Education.