Learning at Home

An equally important part of the school week for Impact Academy students is their work from home days. We all have daily experience now with remote learning, so we have a taste of what it is like to have students work from home. With Impact Academy, there will be a difference.

  • Students will have a school schedule while at home. Teachers video conference with students to teach lessons, students have scheduled guided work, recess, etc.

  • Parents are responsible for helping guide students through the independent and collaborative work each day.

This is a sample daily schedule for work at home.

8AM Kick off with the teacher (video conference)
Reading Instruction

9AM Guided Reading through Social Studies with parent (non-digital)

10AM Break

10:40 Math Lesson with the teacher in small groups. Rotating math work with parent when not in a small group.

11:15 Art Lesson (Video)

12:00 Lunch

12:40 Recess

1:05 Science learning (digital platform)

1:40 Science Video Conference with the teacher

2:10 Break

2:30 Wrap up the day (Video Conference)

Actual schedules can be located on our Academic Portal. Click Here