
The NYSYLC was the first undocumented youth led organization in New York. We work to empower immigrant youth through leadership development, grassroots organizing, educational advancement, and self-expression. Our goal is to give undocumented youth the tools and space to organize and create change in our communities.

ImmSchools is an immigrant-led non-profit organization that partners with K-12 schools and educators to support undocumented students and families by leading professional development, immigrant-centered workshops, and organizing for immigrant-friendly policies.

Anakbayan New York

Anakbayan is a youth and student organization working to educate, organize and mobilize our community to address important issues that affect Filipinos in the US and the Philippines. We aim to unite Filipino youth of all backgrounds in order to achieve genuine freedom and democracy in the Philippines.


CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities was founded in 1986 by working-class Asian women to build power in Asian communities against rising police and hate violence. Over time, our analysis deepened and our work broadened to fighting institutional and systemic racism and violence in Asian immigrant communities. CAAAV’s vision is that our working class Asian immigrant members will make decisions about their own housing and neighborhoods. Through our organizing model of base-building, leadership development, campaigns, coalitions, and organizational development we organize Asian communities to fight for institutional change in the housing justice movement and participate in broader movements towards racial, gender, and economic justice.


DRUM - Desis Rising Up and Moving is a multigenerational, membership led organization of low-wage South Asian and Indo-Caribbean immigrant workers and youth in New York City.


This website is a hub for community organizations and resources based on students' zipcodes. There's a vast range of resources. (not all available to undocu youth, but helpful nevertheless. 

The Bronx is reading

The Bronx is Reading is committed to providing a safe space for everyone, regardless of age, body size, citizenship, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other marginalization.

Center for Family Life in Sunset Park 

Center for Family Life is a neighborhood-based family and social services organization with deep roots in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

La Nueva Link

New Women Space

Informed Immigrant