Mental Health


You can access the tip guide by clicking here

Click on the button above to access the PDF file highlighting multiple resources to support undocumented students with their mental health during this time.

Undocu Health Toolkit

Click on the link to the right to access the mental health tool kit created by United We Dream.

Vibrant Emotional Health

The BRAVE (Building Respect, Acceptance, and Voice through Education) campaign was created by the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) in collaboration with Vibrant, in order to help children in New York City achieve emotional wellbeing and find support.

The BRAVEline is New York City’s free hotline and chat service that connects children with mental health professionals. These professionals listen to their problems, help them find ways to cope, and share resources they need. Launched in October 2011, The BRAVE (Building Respect, Acceptance, and Voice through Education) campaign was created by the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) in collaboration with MHA-NYC, the New York City Council, and community groups.

NYC Well

NYC Well is your connection to free, confidential mental health support. Speak to a counselor via phone, text, or chat and get access to mental health and substance use services, in more than 200 languages, 24/7/365.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Latin x Therapy 

Latinx Therapy was founded in 2018 with the mission to destigmatize mental health in the Latinx community. Since then, we have expanded to become a bilingual podcast and national directory to find a Latinx Therapist (98% of our directory are Spanish speakers). Latinx Therapy strives to provides culturally-grounded workshops and services to our community.